Making God Laugh

“If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.” ~ Woody Allen As soon as I made my weekend date plans last week, life threw me a curve ball. I received a concerned call from my brother about my mom’s health. I knew her health was declining for the reasons below, but…

Frosty Toes

~ geese walking on ice waddling across the pond frozen edge to edge ~ If you count the frozen pond, we had a White Christmas. There was only a light dusting of snow that mostly disappeared by Christmas. But we had record cold from an arctic blast that affected much of the country. I think…

More Nesting

I’m back from my trip and learning how to make the best of where I am. For much of my life, I looked to change circumstances to feel better, believing I needed things a certain way in order to be happy. Lately, I spend more time looking for the good in where I am and…

Moving On

~ moving on again deny, accept, search, decide packing and changing ~ ~ I’ve been all over the map on this decision. I made it much harder by trying to imagine and plan for every future contingency. I’ve offered to help my mother and may potentially move in with her to allow her to stay…

Super Bowl Blues

~ my team lost the game failed to claim trophy or fame sulking and staring at the walls muttering about some bad calls while lamenting the news feeling the super bowl blues ~ I have no lover to romance no partner to ask for a dance she long since left the roost greener pastures have…

healing, loving

The End of Self-Improvement

The End of Self-Improvement This is my New Year’s gift to you; part love letter, part kick in the pants. Please take what serves you and discard the rest. These are my truths, not necessarily yours. You do not need to fix yourself. You are not broken. You are enough. You may not like everything…

simplicity, elementals

Elementals #10 – Simplicity

Elementals #10 – Simplicity This week I didn’t get to take a nature walk, and that might be the case for the next few weeks. I’m working extra shifts before my vacation in mid-September. I’m finally going back east to visit my mother in Virginia. We’ve been waiting for the virus to calm down, but…

soul spaces, perfectionism

Soul Spaces 110

This week in Soul Spaces I’m letting go of perfectionism. Giving Up Perfection I have the perfect thing to give up for lent; perfection. It is a dream, goal, and illusion that haunts my every move. I have tortured myself for years in search of the perfect. The perfect partner, the perfect diet, the perfect…

Moody Blues, poetry

Moody Blues

I discovered a new style of poetry from Vashi’s blog called a Sidlak. It’s a structured poem consisting of 5 lines with 3–5–7–9 syllables for the first four lines and a color for the last line. The color describes the whole poem or feelings of the writer. Here is Vashit’s Sidlak called craving. Moody Blues ~ sliding down…

compassion, Awesome Stories

Awesome Stories 377

This week Awesome Stories brings you the art of holding space. Holding Space They hold me in their beautiful, spacious container of caring so I can soften into the pain, acknowledge it, and let it go instead of being trapped in a shit storm of grief, anger, and loss. ~ Lynn Hauka Very few times…