Tiny Dancers – Hopeful

Hope lies in dreams, in imagination, and in the courage of those who dare to make dreams into reality. ~ Jonas Salk ~ observe minutiae hidden beauty emerges tiny dancers play ~ ~ Patti offered a beautiful and Hopeful LAPC #299 this week asking us to post about what makes us hopeful. After much resistance…

A Year of Intentional Living

My plan for 2022 is to live more intentionally. I’ve let my life slide into boredom, routine, and inertia. I want to be more proactive and intentional in my choices, balanced with an understanding that I don’t control life. The way to thrive is by working with life, accepting, responding, and flowing with what is.…

healing, loving

The End of Self-Improvement

The End of Self-Improvement This is my New Year’s gift to you; part love letter, part kick in the pants. Please take what serves you and discard the rest. These are my truths, not necessarily yours. You do not need to fix yourself. You are not broken. You are enough. You may not like everything…

nature, beauty

Elementals #9

Elementals #9 May peace and beauty fill our hearts. I’m continuing to sit with the idea of championing freedom vs simply being free and love in action. I believe what we focus on or resist grows, so continually noticing, protesting, or talking about the problems in the world will only help expand them. Ultimately, this…

choice, love, freedom

Building our Health, Freedom, and Wisdom

Building our Health, Freedom, and Wisdom I’ve been reading some interesting things lately and feel strongly to share the following information with my community. Thanks for reading and considering these ideas. Your comments are welcome, and please share any information that resonates with you. Build our wisdom by reading widely from a variety of sources…

Mission Statement

My Credo

My Credo My overriding mission is to be more loving and peaceful in my daily life. I focus more on my soul’s well being.  I make more loving choices and actions that align with harmony and unity.  I invest my time and energy into creating what I want; no longer wasting my energy fighting what…

Bumblebee Bliss

Bumblebee Bliss ~ bright yellow sirens calling the bees to come feast on liquid sunshine ~ Fellow blogger Yeka, from IT’S ALL ABOUT LOVE blog, wrote a fun post today about perspective. It reminded me, in a fun way, that we have the power of perspective in choosing how to approach each new day. I’m…

trust, New Year

Trust for the New Year

All I Want for the New Year is Trust I’ve been thinking about grace, faith, and trust a lot recently. At 60, I still don’t have much trust in myself, life, or a higher power aka God. Deep down, I don’t really trust that things work out for the best. Trust seems like foreign territory…

love, Awesome Stories

Awesome Stories 378

This week Awesome Stories brings you the power of less. Matt Kahn’s video about The Apathy of Options really resonated with me. Now I’m inspired to purge even more of my stuff to see if I can get to the place of only keeping what I truly love, need and use. I’ve been a minimalist,…

freedom, unity

Calling All Freedom Riders

Calling All Freedom Riders Once upon a time, I waved the flag with pride and joy. Those days are long gone, and way before the current administration. This is simply the latest wake up call. The only real freedom is that which we create from inside ourselves. Realizing that our “great” country is run by…