Frosty Toes

~ geese walking on ice waddling across the pond frozen edge to edge ~ If you count the frozen pond, we had a White Christmas. There was only a light dusting of snow that mostly disappeared by Christmas. But we had record cold from an arctic blast that affected much of the country. I think…

A Year of Intentional Living

My plan for 2022 is to live more intentionally. I’ve let my life slide into boredom, routine, and inertia. I want to be more proactive and intentional in my choices, balanced with an understanding that I don’t control life. The way to thrive is by working with life, accepting, responding, and flowing with what is.…

gratitude, thanks, photography

Glowing with Gratitude

Glowing with Gratitude ~ radiant sunset glowing with fire and beauty the effects of love ~ After my recent post about wanting to have more trust for the new year, I received an incredible outpouring of love and support from my community here on WordPress. I don’t know why, but it still surprises me when…

trust, New Year

Trust for the New Year

All I Want for the New Year is Trust I’ve been thinking about grace, faith, and trust a lot recently. At 60, I still don’t have much trust in myself, life, or a higher power aka God. Deep down, I don’t really trust that things work out for the best. Trust seems like foreign territory…

Happy New Year, intentions

An Intentional Year

An Intentional Year I’ve been giving thought to what kind of year (and life) that I want to have. For too long I’ve drifted from one day to the next. And it’s not as if I’m living spontaneously in the moment. Mostly, I’ve been living in routine and old patterns. This year I aim to…

silence, retreat, peace

Silent Days, Holy Nights

Silent Days, Holy Nights Thanks for all you give me in words, hugs, support and encouragement. Feeling the call to unplug from digital distractions and busyness, I am giving myself a digital holiday from today until January 3rd. I will be taking a break from posting, commenting, social media, TV and email. This will allow…

love, kindness, ode, poem

Ode to the New Year

Ode to the New Year . Visions of fame and fortune dance through my mind while my heart asks what about being kind will we continue our endless race to the top of the heap or will we follow our heart and take the leap to heed the inner call of cooperation and care for…

Writing to Freedom

Happy Review 2012

Dear friends, fans and readers. Thanks  to you I made some new friends, experimented with new styles like Ode to Simple Souls and new content in the Good News posts. I have learned that too much advice, no matter how good is boring and off putting. Whereas, spreading good news is both heart warming and inspiring. My…