Awesome Stories 306 – Valentine’s Edition

This week Awesome Stories brings you love stories, self-love, love without labels, and roses.


roses. valentine's day

Roses represent love on so many levels, bridging gaps in age, gender, race, history, and religion. Maybe we should create a National Rose Day. 🙂 They have a rich history of symbolism, representing everything from purity to love, passion, fertility, death, resurrection, and silence. In modern celebrations, roses are the go-to choice for expressing our love and appreciation. Roses are loved by gardeners for their elegant petals and sweet aromas. And many poets, myself included, have written endless poems about love and roses. Here is one of my first love poems called Ode to Roses.  ❤

A Human Love Story

Sharing our love story becomes the first step in reclaiming the discourse about how we view ourselves, our place in society, and how we want our communities and society to be shaped. ~ Matt Hopwood

A Human Love Story, Awesome StoriesAnthropologist Matt Hopwood wants to know if human love stories can change the world. In 2012, he set off on a walking tour around England with the idea to look for love stories. As he met people, he listened to their love stories and shared ones he’d heard. Gradually he collected the stories and built a project called A Human Love Story, to collect and share their love stories. The project is about sharing our stories as a profound way to connection via our shared love, vulnerability, and humanity. His intent is that this sharing is the first step in building better relationships and re-creating communities that support us and the land.

Dr. Sue Morter

I’ve been enjoying the perspective of Dr. Sue Morter lately. Her aim is to bridge science, healing, and human potential by teaching us how to integrate mind, body, and heart with meditation, awareness, love and breathwork. Her Energy Codes is a system of principles and practices for living up to your potential. Below is a video about self-love, reminding us that the more we learn to love ourselves, the more we awaken our potentials and flow with life. It starts with letting go of our mental approach to life, relaxing into the larger truth of our being residing in our core.

Love Without Labels

The Love Has No Labels project created this beautiful video to help spread the message of love, diversity, and inclusion. When we pause to remember our tender hearts and shared humanity, we can find love everywhere. Our diversity is actually our strength. Given the political climate in the US, this seems like a timely reminder. May we drop our labels and meet in fields of love along with Rumi, Gandhi, Jesus, and all the other wise leaders who remind us to love our neighbor as ourself. Hugs and blessings to all!  #WeAreAmerica


May these stories warm your heart and inspire you to expand your circles of love from self to community to the world. 

Happy Valentine’s Week! 

34 thoughts on “Awesome Stories 306 – Valentine’s Edition

      • You speak eloquently through words and when paired with pictures the impact is even more. I don’t know about you but our mental filter is mighty clogged, lol. We are having fun taking the clogs out and looking at them as to where they came from and do they have merit. Keep crafting the words from your heart and they will find their way into ours.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks Tom & Audrey. I’m glad my words find their way through our respective filters to your hearts! I’m spending less time on sorting through old mental junk and simply planting more seeds of love. To pictures and words that matter.


  1. Good morning…What a beautiful way to begin my Sunday…..The video is wonderful and illustrates so perfectly that when we are stripped of clothes, labels etc. we are indeed all the same….all members of the same humanity.
    Growing up in England I was always surrounded by beautiful flower gardens and a lot of roses…One of my Mother’s requests was that some of her ashes be spread over roses….
    Thank you so much – wish you a week filled with love, joy, roses and magical hummingbirds…..Janet. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You know, my first major was anthropology. The Human Love Story idea is brilliant! I have so many ideas milling through my head (this is why meditation helps me, lol) about things I’d like to do. And this story just gave me a slew of ideas. Haha.
    As always, I absolutely love your awesome stories. It’s something I look forward to each week. I hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend so far.

    Sending hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Cynthia. You seem to be an endless fountain of good ideas.:) And I appreciate that you enjoy my stories too. I’ve thought about traveling and interviewing people to find more inspiring stories. I hope you have an inspired and loving week…

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Brad thank you dear friend for spreading the Love.. I loved both video’s you chose.. And so enjoyed them both especially Sue’s approach to Self Love.. And these are yet another awesome share my friend.. You are able to Give so much to others.. I hope you are able to find the focus upon yourself and nurture that self love within yourself.. 🙂
    I loved the idea too about going and interviewing others about their inspiring stories.. I am sure there are many out there..

    I hope you had a fabulous Day.. Every day should be Valentines Day.. One where we give and share Love in appreciation for our friends, family, and partners.. if we shared this Love every day.. Wow what a difference it would make to the world..

    Love and Hugs to you Brad.. 🙂
    Sue ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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