The Dance


The eclipse at 95% coverage is shown in the small refraction below.


the moon, sun, and earth

orbiting in time and space

the eternal dance

day, night, seasons, eclipses

a photographers delight


Cellphone glitches but still an interesting photo.


I’m grateful that I took the time to experience the eclipse on Monday. And I’m dissatisfied with my choices, photos, and cellphone capabilities. I opted to drive east but didn’t reach the full eclipse. In retrospect, I wish I had stayed home, relaxed, and fully relished the event. For context, Fayetteville was at 99% obscuration with 100% being about three hours east driving. It was still a moving experience to witness the changes in light, the quieting of the creatures, and the cooling of temperatures. I more fully appreciate how dependent we are on the sun for our lives.


This was at 95% but you wouldn’t know it by the photo.


More cellphone glitches but the refractions give a sense of the eclipse.


This was taken maybe 15″ before the eclipse. A nice scene on a country road with weird lighting.


Now, it’s time to practice gratitude and being and having enough. As a recovering perfectionist, good enough is a great mantra.

Thank you for joining me on this precious dance of life.

92 thoughts on “The Dance

  1. I love that you embraced the moment and did what came to you to follow…these photos capture the feeling of the experience for those of us who didn’t see the eclipse, as you can feel the mystery and stillness permeating. I especially love the view from the road. Feels very reflective of the journey we’re traveling. What you gleaned in that quiet and cocreating with the sun is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. The light is definitely weird, even at partial eclipse. We missed it this time around, but had a full one about three years ago. It’s a strange and wondrous experience. I like your photos, Brad (from what I understand, eclipses are hard to photograph without special equipment). I’m glad you got to experience it. Hugs.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Wonderful shares of your photos Brad…. Lots of cloud cover everywhere,… You did well.. Holding the phone steady is hard… … 🙂 I remember a partial eclipse years ago, which was in clear sky.. it is eerie when the birds seem to stop chirping and then you feel the shadow chill…

    This time in the UK we had no visual effects at all.. But I went out barefoot in coat hood up as it started to rain just as the time of the eclipse began, and I hummed… I felt connected to Gaia… And you too Brad, despite all, You were Dancing with Gaia… In some beautiful countryside, giving thanks…
    Much love xx ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I love your photos, they are just perfect in every way! Yes you can be grateful and we too to share this time with you. Thankyou Brad for the long drive and Thankyou for being enough and more and shining your light so brightly❤️ sending love 🥰🕺

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Ah, the adventure of the anticipation and then the whole thing includes a mild letdown but in the meantime the whole person is more healed, more free. I feel your emerging freedom and I appreciate your sharing authentically your experience, and these lovely images. Thanks for the dance, Brad. 💗🤗

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I love your poem and thinking of the big dance in the sky. Your crescents remind me that, though I chose not to try to look at the eclipse, I did notice crescent shaped shadows on the street and later realized they were shadows of the leaves during the eclipse.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. The only total solar eclipse I have ever seen was in the 1970’s. Maybe 1979? I remember being terrified because our teachers kept telling us not to look at it and made us put cardboard on the windows. I was shaking with fear. Back then, I was scared of nuclear war and solar eclipses, thanks to all the adults around me! They also made the decision to show our grade two class the movie Watership Down, so it was a heavy time. Haha. I’m so glad you got to enjoy the eclipse, Brad, and have photos to commemorate the moment! The universe is a scary place, but it’s also full of mystery and magic and is super cool. Big HNS, my friend.🌷

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Heh…I appreciate the post and your captures may not have been what you envisioned….but they were unique and awesome! Thanks for sharing, especially to those of us in the country way off the path of the eclipse (wouldn’t have mattered…it was cloudy up here in the Pacific Northwest!) 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. That is incredible you got to experience the eclipse. Even with the cellphone glitches, I could feel the atmosphere and energy. I love how you took a chance and went out to experience it in nature despite the weather forecast – soaking it up out there and seeing it as it unfolded. Sounded so surreal with the changes in light, creatures quieting and cooling of temperatures. And it all doesn’t last long but I bet it also felt like such a wonderful moment. At the end of the day, we are all trying our best. The eclipse wasn’t visible here in my part of the world in Australia. Thank you for taking us along for the ride, Brad 😊

    Liked by 1 person

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