missing muse

Missing Muse

Missing Muse My writing muse has been missing in action for a while. My fanciful friend, Muse Brad, seems to have left the premises. I persist in writing because I’m a stubborn cuss, but my writing feels flat and forced. Or maybe I have a new muse that is all about writing schedules ala D. Wallace’s…

forest regeneration, Awesome Stories

Awesome Stories 335

This week Awesome Stories brings you forest regeneration, Medicine Baba, growing gratitude, and dancing. Forest Regeneration This story warms my heart and gives me hope for the future. Twenty years ago, a couple donated a forested piece of land in exchange for orange peels and pulp for some deforested land. It turned out to be…

wind, poetry, Colorado

Dancing with the Wind

Dancing with the Wind ~ energy in flux feelings swirling and twirling dancing with the wind ~ I’ve been feeling unsettled the last few days. Nothing obvious is going on in my life, but I’m aware of the blustery wind and how it matches and stirs up my feelings. I’m dancing with the energy, attempting…

big dreams, balance, integration

Letting Go of Grandiosity

Letting Go of Grandiosity Lately, I’ve been noticing how some of my biggest aspirations actually hold me back from living fully. When I started the path of personal development, I wanted to find enlightenment. I didn’t just want to wake up or be more loving, I wanted to totally be like Buddha or Jesus! When…

flow, photography

Finding the Flow

There is a pace that aligns with the flow of life. The pace that works for me seems to be a balance of awareness and engagement. Too much engagement (doing) and I lose myself to the experience, which can be fun, but doesn’t seem like flow for me. Too much awareness (being) and I get…

flow, achieving goals

The Paradox of Pursuit

We need focus in order to attract things in life. This is why we are told to set goals, visualize and take action toward our dreams. And yet, if we are overly attached to getting them, we often chase them away. I recently wrote a post on chasing happiness. Or sometimes we reach our goals, only…

Dali Lama

The Power of Compassion

Dr James Doty is a man on a mission, or several. He is the founder and Clinical Director of the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) at Stanford University. He is also a neurosurgeon, entrepreneur, philanthropist and inventor!  My greatest wish is that by each of our actions, we create a “meme” of compassion…

happiness, balance, flow, feeling good

Find Your Happy Zone

I’ve noticed that I am happiest when I have a moderate pace and level of activity. I call this my Happy Zone. When I’m too busy, I often feel stress, headaches or pressure from too much to do with not much time. This is a mind game, where we worry about the future, instead of…

From the love of money to love of life

Be careful what you worship. You might just get it. I used to worship saving money above all else. Thankfully money is no longer my top priority like when I was younger. From my childhood to my late 20s, money was my god of first choice. Or more accurately, saving money was my top goal. I…