Celebrating Mom

The last few weeks have been filled with highs and lows as we navigate this challenging time for my mother. I’m very grateful for the time and flexibility to be able to stay with her and help support her end-of-life process. It has already brought joy, heart connections, pain, sadness, and growth. I continue to…

Grace to Overwhelm and Back

It’s been a wild few weeks. My mother has colon cancer and has opted out of seeking cures or treatment, which I totally support, especially given her age and health. We have agreed to my moving in to help care for her. I’m back in Arkansas packing and purging to move to Virginia next week.…

Tending Mom and her Nest

I’m back from my trip east to see family and finally feeling caught up. I worked hard in mom’s house and yard to get things back in shape. She hires people to help with house cleaning and mowing, but the details get neglected. I spent much of my time outdoors; picking up debris, trimming trees,…

choices, values, communication

Deciding Times

Deciding Times What are we choosing? Are we choosing understanding and compassion? Or are we choosing righteousness? In these challenging and tumultuous times, our decisions, words, and actions are critically important. I am noticing a trend to be very righteous and fixed in our beliefs, statements, and choices. This is partly driven by the divisive…

Great Falls, poetry, falling

Flowing Forward

Flowing Forward ~ rivers carving rock eons of artistry flow Great Falls on display ~ We (the muse and I) are back from our trip east to see family. My brother, mom, and I had some good conversations and even looked at one senior residence. It helped mom get clear that she is still not…


Muse Vacation

Muse Vacation Muse Brad and I will be heading to Virginia to visit my mother and brother for a couple of weeks. We probably won’t be writing, posting, or reading many blogs. We’ll miss you, but probably need a break from writing deadlines. Muse Brad has convinced me we need time off from writing to…

Whatever Arises Love That

Love Whatever Arises

Love Whatever Arises ~ I’ve been humbled again. It is beyond understanding how I can sit and watch my life savings evaporate and do nothing. This is the third time that I have allowed my life savings to disappear while invested in falling stocks. Logic would suggest taking action sooner to stop the losses. I…

poetry, beauty, dreams

Soulful Whispers

Soulful Whispers ~ soulful whispers echo in my mind vibrations dancing through my body awakened pathways from my heart will you come play with me will you trust the unknown will you dare to dream again ~ the questions haunt my dreams mysteries teasing my awareness potentials that call for expression rather than feel sad about…

releasing, Jesse Elder

ARC Challenge – Day 3

ARC Challenge – Day 3 I’m participating in a 7-day challenge called the ARC Challenge held by Jesse Elder. A friend introduced me and invited me to join. In just a couple of days, I’ve experienced a lot of resistance to Jesse and his challenges. I guess that’s a good sign! Yesterday, he asked us…

empathy, gift, connection

The Age of Empathy

The Age of Empathy Self-absorption … kills empathy, let alone compassion. When we focus on ourselves, our world contracts as our problems and preoccupations loom large. When we focus on others, our world expands. Our problems drift to the periphery of the mind and seem smaller, and we increase our capacity for connection – or…