gratitude, Thanksgiving, poetry

Spirals of Gratitude

Spirals of Gratitude ~ mandalas of love celebrating the season  Happy Thanksgiving ~ Julie at Rambling from Jewels reminded me of the circular nature of gratitude, with waves coming and going. We may not be able to feel gratitude all the time, but we can feed it with mindful acts like writing, or in her…

Thanksgiving, love, life

Celebrate Thanksgiving by Loving Life

Celebrate Thanksgiving by Loving Life A friend of mine, Christi Daniels, gave a talk at the local Science of Mind center about coming home and appreciation. Christi talked about her intense year after intending to find a home within her self and all the stuff that came up to show her what was holding her back. The biggest…

gratitude, blessings, autumn

Awesome Stories 344 – Thanksgiving Edition

This week Awesome Stories focuses on the power of gratitude. I love the Thanksgiving Holiday and the reminder to appreciate my life and its many blessings.  Gratitude by the Numbers In case you’ve been hiding for the last 10 years, the transformative power of gratitude has been demonstrated. The research of Robert Emmons (and many others)…

Thanksgiving, satire

Turkey Tribute

Turkey Tribute ~ turkeys falling like gifts from the sky as American as apple pie giving thanks is why we celebrate this day marking a day to get out of our own way fatten the birds to stuff and dress look out kitchen here comes the mess a bountiful meal with potatoes, cranberry, and pie…

beauty, garden tribute

Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks As I head into closing on the sale of my house, I’m remembering that I have much to be thankful for in my life. I’m thankful for my health, my home and all the friends who have supported me during this challenging time. People showed up at just the right time to help…

Growing Gratitude For Thanksgiving

Growing Gratitude for Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! For November, I’ve been growing gratitude to celebrate Thanksgiving. Practicing gratitude is a great way to open our minds and hearts to the blessings in our lives. #gr8ful #musebrad  I am most grateful for my growing connections with readers and other bloggers. I appreciate everyone who takes time in their busy life to read,…