Spring Renewal

From Wikipedia; Fiddleheads are the furled fronds of a young fern, often harvested for use as a vegetable. Left on the plant, each fiddlehead would unroll into a new frond. ~ a tender young sprout bursting with life and purpose the return of spring ~ ~ Spring has officially arrived and I feel a burst…

Thanksgiving Harvest

I’m continually amazed and touched by the love and support I receive from our blogging community. As I’ve mentioned before, this is a big factor in my continued blogging. I will likely continue blogging in some capacity; it’s hard to imagine walking away from all the wonderful people I’ve met here on WordPress. When I…

Foraging for Beauty

~ my secret garden when walking through the forest where wonders abound ~ You might notice that I don’t even know the name of most of these plants and trees. I do know some, but it isn’t important to me. I am more interested in observing and appreciating the details of nature. Some people find…

Honoring Mothers

~ Today I want to honor our mothers; the earth, our birthmothers, and anyone who has helped nurture and care for us. Planet earth is mother to everyone whether we acknowledge her or not. Most of you know of my love and appreciation for nature and her beautiful diversity of life. Here are some flowers…

irises, spring

A Spring Stroll

A Spring Stroll ~ Spring brings a succession of joyful growth bursting with color and aroma. The menagerie of delightful colors brings a smile to my face and heart. Cherry trees are early spring stars with a profusion of white blossoms and delicate scents. Next tulips lead the parade with a variety of colors while…

fields, dreams, poetry

Fields of Dreams

Fields of Dreams ~ radiant blue skies golden pastures of tallgrass ignite fields of dreams ~ I’ve always loved the openness of prairie lands with their golden grasses and endless vistas. For me, the open vistas invite an inner opening. My body, mind, and being all open and relax in response to these views. I…

Autumn Reflections

Autumn Reflections Autumn seems to be the time of year I become more reflective. The reflectiveness builds as we move into winter with longer and colder nights. Despite my urban ways, I’m grateful to still be tuned to the rhythms of nature. As a side note, I just lost my full-time job. The company has…

sunset view

Room With a View

Room With a View ~ art to feed my heart food to nourish my body a home full of love ~ My heart is happy! My new digs are pretty wonderful. The house is full of art and artistic touches like this cozy reading nook, including a beautiful stain glass lamp that gives the room…

sacred, poetry

Sacred Ground

Sacred Ground My sculptures are little poems about the nature of god and peace that comes from knowing that we are connected to greater truths. ~ Hank Kaminsky ~ feel the sacredness let your feet honor the earth with each loving step ~ This quote and casting are great reminders for me that we are always standing…