freedom, unity

Calling All Freedom Riders

Calling All Freedom Riders Once upon a time, I waved the flag with pride and joy. Those days are long gone, and way before the current administration. This is simply the latest wake up call. The only real freedom is that which we create from inside ourselves. Realizing that our “great” country is run by…

poetry, love, roses

Love Letter to 2018 – Zeal

Love Letter to 2018 – Zeal These are my heartfelt wishes for the new year. I feel inspired to share the fruits of my quiet time spent in reflection. It helped me clarify what is important to me and what I want to manifest for 2018. I’m immensely grateful for the solitude, peace, insights, and energy that…

healing, peace, bridges

Building Bridges of Compassion

Be a blessing to others by building bridges of compassion. Children who develop strong, caring relationships with all the people and living things around them will be more grounded and ultimately more prepared to function in, and meaningfully contribute to, an increasingly complex society. – Mark Sorensen  These are simple, yet profound ideas. The world has…

freedom, vision, Fourth of July

Fleeting Freedom

Fleeting Freedom The Fourth of July and patriotism stir up my feelings about this country and the way we are headed. I would love to see a more inclusive country that embraces the ideals upon which it was founded. Here’s a lovely video that speaks to that idea. Can we have freedom in a healthy,…

gift economy, service

The Path of Service

The path of service seems to be calling.  My mother’s health continues to decline and I want to help her. I’ve offered to move back to the Northern Virginia and help her take care of the house, daily living, yard work, etc. The challenge for me is how to support myself in a very expense…

St. Patrick's Day, blessings, poetry

Rainbows and Rivers

Rainbows and Rivers ~ rainbows and rivers run free just like you and me chasing those pots of gold we don’t allow grace to unfold the more we grab and fight our way the less we enjoy our days blessings like rivers are best when flowing free allowing and appreciation are the start to magic…

intentions, goals, 2017, New Year

Intentions 2017

Intentions 2017 I like intentions better than goals. They offer a direction without being fixed on a set goal that often provides momentary happiness if at all. I agree with the perspective that our process is more important than the goal or results. And even more important than the actions, intentions, goals or process is…

wise words, poetry

Lay Down Your Words

Lay Down Your Words ~ assign the label and divide make sure to bash the other side the battle lines are drawn hate rages from dusk to dawn when egos and emotions are enraged hearts are usually disengaged ~ lay down your ego, hurt and belief open your mind and heart to relief see your…

vote, choice, love

Vote for Love

Vote for Love ~ what are you voting for fear and division or love and inclusion releasing the need to judge beyond ideas of right and wrong I’ll meet you there where we become one in mind and heart a beautiful tapestry of human diversity singing the songs of family ~ May you vote for…

Arches National Park, poetry

Ancient Sentinels

Ancient Sentinels ~ the ancients are here watching for signs of wisdom will love or fear rule ~ This photo from Cindy Knoke looks like an alien world but is actually Arches National Park in Utah. You can explore more beautiful landscapes on Cindy’s post called Sedna. Beauty, light, darkness, mystery and change all exist in…