Change is Brewing

~ ~ hope, fear, joy, and doubt collide with supercell force choices are brewing ~ My mind is spinning and my emotions are roiling as I ponder life choices. Do I want to move, to travel, to own, to rent? I had thought that having a nest egg would remove my stress over money, but…

Time to Feed My Soul

I want to recapture my flow, passion, and zest for life. The truth is that my life is rather dull and has been for much of the last 28 years. During much of the time since leaving Boulder, I’ve been plodding along, finding moments of joy, but no lasting joy, passion, or purpose. I want…

poetry, transformation

Powerful Prose

Powerful Prose ~  poets rise up ponder, prepare, proclaim harness the power of words pen poignant prose catalysts creating change creative caring community energy infused words  passion, power, purpose a noble mission will you join ~ Amanda Gorman has inspired the nation with her poetry reading at President Biden’s inauguration. I have mixed feelings about…

autumn, change

A Season of Change

A Season of Change ~ earthy smells delightful colors a time for letting go slowing and savoring decay lingers in the air the leaves are falling nature is storing her energy Joe Biden is President-Elect hope is in the air ~

reflections, autumn

Autumnal Reflections

Autumnal Reflections ~ trees glow with color a season of transition hope and love abound ~ ~ We are on the verge of great change in our country right now. Besides the obvious change in the US elections, many of my friends are undergoing transitions large and small. I’m following the trend, having found a…

Summer Market

Summer Market ~ enjoy the season a potpourri of pleasure at summer market ~ This image by Janet speaks to my heart, as most of her paintings do. I love the vibrant colors and a sense of festive activity. It’s a perfect reminder to get out and enjoy the treats of summer like farmer’s market,…

military budget

Is Might Right?

Is Might Right? ~ vile and vitriol are flowing poisoning the masses scoundrels with orange hair warmongers wearing suits the lines between parties are fuzzy clouding who is good and who is evil ~ Meanwhile, the real issues are buried beneath endless bickering, distraction, politics, and shenanigans. War has long been the priority in America…

change, poetry

Winds of Change

Winds of Change ~ mighty storms brewing change is blowing through the land need flexible ways  ~ Neither the storm nor the changes are as dramatic as the photo appears, but change is clearly coming. I’m looking for a new place to live, work that better suits me, and pondering my passions and purpose. That’s…

solar eclipse, poetry,

Elusive Eclipse

Elusive Eclipse ~ shadows chasing light race across the earthen fields cosmic dance unfolds ~ Truthfully, the whole eclipse was a bit of a letdown for me. We were in a 93% zone, but the light didn’t really change much, the birds stayed active, and life went on. I’m still glad I participated. This lovely…

Chicken Lady, Awesome Stories

Awesome Stories 293

This week Awesome Stories brings you the Chicken Lady, playing with koans, serving tea and protecting mother earth. The Chicken Lady Amy Murphy dreamed up a great way to help those in need in her town of Greensboro, NC. She grew up eating fried chicken as a Southern comfort food and wondered if there was…