Change is Brewing



hope, fear, joy, and doubt

collide with supercell force

choices are brewing


My mind is spinning and my emotions are roiling as I ponder life choices. Do I want to move, to travel, to own, to rent? I had thought that having a nest egg would remove my stress over money, but I was wrong. How to invest, protect, spend, and share my inheritance has become a difficult choice filled with potential pitfalls. I probably want to own a house again but believe the market is overpriced, and don’t know where I want to live. The idea of moving is both exciting and overwhelming. And a vacation would be nice, but even that becomes an overwhelming choice. The choices go on and on…

I know that I need more quiet time, more listening, and more exploring options rather than trying to figure them out abstractly in the mind. Hopefully, I’ll do those things and make wise and loving choices.

Peace out.

93 thoughts on “Change is Brewing

  1. You have such a way with words, Brad! Today’s haiku (“hope, fear, joy, and doubt/collide with supercell force/choices are brewing”) is fantastic. I am sorry that you are not experiencing much comfort from having a nest egg, but I am not surprised. It IS a lot of responsibility to decide how to invest/honor/preserve an inheritance. And the more money one has, the more choices/options one has! I have learned on a day-to-day basis that I am much happier carrying almost no cash in my wallet, because I found that my mind would start imagining all the ways I could spend it as I moved through the day… May you continue to mull and muse and go for long walks as you sift through your options regarding buy/rent/travel/etc. Deep breath in. Deep breath out.

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  2. You have a lot to think about. The Economist had an article about the cost of renting and buying in 2023 compared to prior years. The conclusion was it’s less expensive to rent than buy in the current inflated housing market. There are lots of opportunities for adventure out there.

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  3. These choices I know can be daunting,… Colleen had a great suggestion… Writing a list of pros and cons…
    You have to be clear in your own mind what it is you wish for Brad.. At the moment by what you say in your post, you don’t really know as yet what it is you are seeking, so as yet you cannot focus on setting that intention..
    You have to have a clear view of that intention to KNOW what it is your intuition will then be guiding you to follow…

    I am reminded by what a teacher friend of mine once said to me.. He said

    ” I used to be indecisive, now I am not so sure! ” 😊

    I know when you are more sure in your own mind.. then the right openings, and doors and your gut instincts will then kick in to guide you into those right choices Brad..
    Much love xx Sue xx ❤

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      • I think it’s just a case Brad of getting to know yourself more. What do YOU really want out of life. With no self sabotage of putting off those major choices.
        Before those choices are made for you by circumstance.
        I wish you well in seeking that which makes you happiest Brad Xx ❤️

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  4. This is the time of year when a lot of things get churned up … in our bodies, emotions and minds. You are right Brad to seek slowing down and feeling more grounded. A stacation spa day might do the trick 💐

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  5. I have figured out over the years that you can’t force a decision, you can’t try to make a choice
    in hopes of making the right changes. It takes staying still and FEELING the proper choice in your gut. You’ll know what is right and completely the right direction to go in Brad…Good luck. Do not fret, be still and be confident in yourself…..VK 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  6. I feel that part of the journey is realizing the gift of even having choices…and although one may want to make decisions and have a direction…the field of possibilities is quite a rich place to luxuriate in. I’m glad you are embracing your own process with this and letting things organically unfold without forcing things. Enjoy the explorations my sweet friend!

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  7. Hi Brad. We’re in the same boat. No decisions yet, but it’s clear that the housing market in many places is short on houses and everything listed is very overpriced. Maybe we all should wait until the prices come down?

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  8. One day at a time, if you allow yourself to be totally at peace with yourself… you will know how you are guided in each moment to choose the next step and on and on you travel on your new adventure! Invest your money short term and let yourself navigate where and what you do❤️ much love and knowing🕺🎁

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  9. Having choices is good, Brad! How often people would say I have no choice but… Family means a lot to me, so when I make choices, I would list my family on top. Friends are important but for the last ten years or so, I found that many of my friends moved close to their grown children and grandkids. Some retired friends have health problems and focus on their issues. I had done so many things with friends but they all drifted away. When you move, think of whether you want to be close to your brother or somewhere you don’t know anyone. I’m a city person so I can’t move to a forest with 10 acres (I owned 10 acres in Olympia Pennisula once) with the next-door neighbor 10 acres away. The housing market is a big issue for now. We were fortunate to have our house sold and bought one right away as the interest rate was climbing up. Owning a house is a good thing in the long run. Paying rent is putting money down the drain. If you rent, you don’t have to rent something fancy. You can save as much as possible to pay a big down payment when the market is better. I did a spreadsheet on how much interest I would pay for a 30-year loan by paying just the basic payment versus paying a large down payment plus paying a little extra every month. I used the website and put in a $425,000, 30-year, 4.5% loan. The monthly payment is $2,152, and the interest you pay in 30 years is $350,228.

    Probably sit tight for now as far as buying a house. Doing some traveling is good for enjoying yourself. I hope things will go well with you.

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  10. I am finding this life phase taking me back to interests from my childhood, maybe start there. Early dreams, wishes. That might start you in a direction that feels right for you. 🧘🏻‍♂️ Best wishes. 😊✨

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  11. One day at a time Brad, do what feels right and try and immerse yourself in the present. Everything has a way of working itself out when we become at peace with where we are. Maybe invest your money short term, we don’t have to have everything figured out all at once. And remember, there’s never any mistakes. Only learning. You’ll be fine. Sending love and all good wishes Brad. 🙏🏻

    Liked by 5 people

  12. That photo is exquisite, Brad! I love it. And what choices you have. I learned at some point that the best thing to do after a big emotional event in life is nothing. To wait about 9 months for the turmoil to settle, and to use that time for some peaceful exploration. How wonderful to have choices though. I believe that when the time is right, you’ll find your answers.

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  13. We all have to make these decisions, or not, for ourselves. The following is not advice, just me thinking out loud. Who knows what might happen one day? If I were in a place where I wasn’t ready for a permanent decision…but wanting a change…and if I had the means, I would go on a cruise around the world.

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  14. Aww, Brad. There’s a lot to think about, and I imagine it’s quite overwhelming for you. I won’t give you advice, but I will say this: follow your heart. Do only what feels right to you. And remember, it’s ok to try something and change your mind if it’s not what you imagined it to be. You don’t know sometimes until you give it a whirl. Each new opportunity is a chance to change your life, and I don’t think there’s anything more exciting than that. Have fun with it. HNS, my friend. 💕

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    • Thank you dear Tanya. Your suggestions are perfect. I’m learning to “feel” what is right and want to give myself permission to try new things, make “mistakes”, and learn. To having fun with it! HNS much appreciated and returned. 👨‍❤️‍👨

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  15. There is power in silence. I love that. It helps us clarify our values and priorities. The world clamors for our attention. And thank God, He blessed us with the gift of free will which translates to the gift of choice. Blessed with your choice to bless the world with your gift of creativity Brad!

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  16. There is nothing better than feeling you have options, even though, as you admit, there are ‘pressures’ with making a decision… but then the decision is the easiest part. Making the journey you set yourself on is a separate elation. You’ll find once the decision is in your review mirror, things flow and take away the paralysis of a decision 🙂 I really like your description of “choices are brewing” – this is a good way to look at life. Experiences are right around the bend, and taking that first step into them is always the fun part. Cheers to the brewing, and I look forward to where it will take you (a little vacation to possible locations to see and check out the vibe sounds like a great option for you :-)).

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  17. I make an exercise, even in difficult times, of treasuring the good aspects before they change and I end up looking back on them with regret. In a life mostly very limited by poverty, I haven’t found myself more peaceful during those interludes when I have more elective choices. It helps me to cope with what I’ve been given to remember it.

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