Walking in Gratitude

Moody moments around town.


a walk in the woods

crisp air, warrm hues, earthy smells

nature’s medicine


Faded Glory


The colors around town were actually better than in the woods this year. I’m grateful for many outdoor choices, reliable transportation, and easy access to parks to refresh my body and spirit.

The job has pushed me on many levels. I was exhausted the first week, overwhelmed by the pace and volume, and ready to quit. And I didn’t expect the packages to be so grungy. My friends know how much I love to keep my car and home clean and tidy so the dirty packages and messy car have been really pushing my buttons. I could easily lose myself in the emotional reaction and give up on my goals. Thankfully, I took some time to be quiet, look at the situation more objectively, and remind myself why I’m doing this job: to build up some savings, push myself, and try something new. And it’s helpful to acknowledge the good in this job too; being paid to walk, exercise, and deliver gifts. Not a bad gig!

The challenges are manageable as long as I remember my reasons. I’ve recommitted to staying with the job through the end of December. Thankfully, I have friends, solitude, and autumn treasures to help me recharge for the weeks ahead.

Colorful contrasts


May we have dreams that inspire and gratitude for whatever shows up.

Muted colors this year at Whiterock Overlook


May your days be full of blessings. Happy Thanksgiving!

#gratitude, #Thanksgiving

87 thoughts on “Walking in Gratitude

  1. Brad, with views like these around you I feel you soon will get used to pay the price.
    I would love to sit at the creek ( colourful contrasts) and just be.
    Maybe you could bring one of your blankets to sit on and wash it ever now and again.

    I have the same attitude to cleanliness as you so do understand…..you will find a way.


    Liked by 2 people

  2. Brad, Your concern with clean home and car I get. I so get! I think the fact that youre looking at it like this : “And it’s helpful to acknowledge the good in this job too; being paid to walk, exercise, and deliver gifts. Not a bad gig!” is perfect. Paid to walk, I’m already sold on that 🙂 Walking in beautiful surroundings like yours, will be a treat for you too. You will begin to enjoy it ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Brad, nature has incredible healing power, recuperating and re-energising us when we need it most. The photographs are stunning and love the creek one. It sounds as if the time of serenity has helped you find some new grounding and decisions made for the immediate short-term. I feel for you with all the dirt in your car and hope you can find a workable solution. Wishing you a peaceful and enjoyable Thanksgiving! I’ll toast to ‘May we have dreams that inspire and gratitude for whatever shows up.’ 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Even faded, Mother is just so magnificent. As for your job, Brad, change is really not easy especially when we are pushed out of our comfort zone. When these things happen I tend to look at the situation as a big learning opportunity, or a growth opportunity as well. Uncomfortable as all get out, yet, IF we hang in there, we will notice a change in our thinking, our “reactions”, and how we reason to accept what is. We then attain another notch in our belt! Hang in there, my friend. You’ve got this. Rest when you can! (((HUGS)))!!! xo

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  5. What beautiful photos, Brad. Nature is a natural pick-me-up and sure has a way of putting things into perspective. I’m glad stepping outside helped you refocus. I hope the month ahead goes well, and you manage to stash away lots of loot for the next step in your adventure! Lots of love and hugs, my friend. 🍁💕

    Liked by 1 person

  6. With nature and scenes that you have around you ~ it seems all in life will be worth it for the opportunity to visit and take in all you see, love the photos! Your line “push myself, and try something new” is just the spirit that pushes us humans up to another level, those micro-evolutionary moments that in the end make such a great differences in a life and the lives that surround. Cheers to a great start on the holiday season ~ no matter how wild it will get for you, it will be an experience to treasure 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Ah so much to be thankful for walking in our beautiful countryside Brad! It allows you put everything into perspective… putting up with the disadvantages… and looking forward to some extra saving! I thought my husband was alone in loving everything clean and tidy! I’m more wild and untidy🤣😂 sending love to you❤️

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  8. Gratitude is such a gift and magic that opens the door to so much more, and relief and solace. I love how you give yourself balance with the right medicine – nature, solitude, and good friends. I feel joy to read of your gratitude for everything that comes your way, everything that you have available. I feel very blessed when I am able to live that way.

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  9. The best medicine in the WORLD is a walk with and within nature. I couldn’t agree with you more, Brad. And that medicine helps us walk in the world with jobs and amongst others that may be challenging. You’re finding the right balance to be able to succeed. Best to you!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Beautiful autumnal colours in your corner of the world, Brad. It is indeed nature’s medicine. Lovely to hear you are working hard at your job despite the challenges. Perhaps you can line your car with some towels or mats to keep the dirt and grunginess at bay. I am a neat freak and hope it gets better. Take care out there, Brad. You make people happy by getting their packages to them 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Being away so long dear Brad,, so many changes here and there and each adapting towards those changes..
    Natures gifts in allowing you to walk and feel her presence to recharge and breathe in her spirit, I am pleased you are still able to take time out to do this.. So important during these challenges we are all facing as we sense and feel that need for inner peace and reflection…

    I hope dear Brad those challenges subside and you can regain not only your finances but your inner balance as you set your goals to achieve your objectives… Knowing that at any given time, you can always choose a different route…

    This New Moon is a perfect alignment to set our intentions, with positive thinking on future outcomes… And we have to be very mindful of not attracting what we do not want. as often our thoughts stray to those negative aspects of our daily routines…
    So it was good to see you checked yourself to see the positives from your job…
    We can always find a silver lining in every cloud if we look from a different perspective…

    I know you continually try in keeping your perspectives high….
    Sending love and well wishes dear Brad as this Holiday season is fast approaching … Too fast for me… As I am far from being prepared this year…

    So I thank you dear Brad…. for your lovely friendship Stay Blessed…. and Enjoy those silver linings… ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  12. I had some work issues push me to my mental-health breaking point recently too, Brad. I also went back too… then relapsed with a personal life trigger. Back on top again for a whole 2 days, lol. I feel you! Thank God for nature! (And the hidden meanings, lessons, and blessings of such knock-outs.)❤️

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  13. I know what you just commented about yourself on my blog, Brad, but you sound pretty positive here! You really do. You’re acknowledging the rough bits while forging ahead and trying to focus on the positive. That takes grit–good for you:).

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  14. Such a great post Brad👏👏👏

    The poem is a most accurate description of natures medicine🤩

    Your commitment to finish what you started, in lieu of the challenges that push your buttons, is a refreshing and inspiring attitude.

    One that sadly stops most people in their tracks. Your resolve is a beautiful and powerful thing.

    So glad you shared this ❤️🤗

    And the nature photos are stunning❣️😄

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  15. I sense the fresh air in your poems and poetry. I can get frustrated when things are messy, too. I also have a wild side. I imagine you had fun exploring all the ways the “gifts” come! Lol. Happy 😆 to “see” you, Brad! Not sure what you are up to now, as this post occurred in the past, but I hope you had a good Holiday season and have that extra cash!

    Liked by 1 person

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