Soul Care

Soul Care

Soul Care, poetry


soft feathery clouds

a sunset filled with grace

whispers to my heart


I had a soul-nourishing day yesterday filled with food, friends, a walk in the woods and topped off with this stunning sunset. I have never seen clouds like these. They were like feather dusters for the sky, gently whisking away the cares of the day. This passage from resonated with my feelings from yesterday.

“Soul care is all about living from a place of overflow; learning to stop for conversation, to rest, to open up to God’s presence, guidance, and love.”

May you find time to nurture your soul this week.

Peace out, Brad

65 thoughts on “Soul Care

  1. Wonderful that you are taking good Soul Care of yourself Brad, sounds like you have had a wonderful weekend… The sky is ever changing in its delights and mysteries… When one Stops and Listens, and BEcomes still in the moment, its in these special moments that we are at One with Source… And all BEcomes well in our world.. ❤
    Keep on Enjoying those Soul Care moments dear Brad.. ❤
    Lovely clouds and post.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Your poem is beautiful Brad, and so is the fantastic picture of the clouds.
    Your soul care day sounds so warm and uplifting with so much sharing.
    Days like that are wonderful gifts.
    May we all have soul care days.


    Liked by 2 people

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