love, earth, poetry

Soul Spaces 118- Rebirthing Love

Soul Spaces 118- Rebirthing Love ~ relax and breathe in the peace feel the beauty, joy, and power despite the sea of chaos love still reigns supreme now more than ever we each must choose will we spread love or fear I choose love and harmony seeding love wherever I go blessing and nurturing all…

Soul Spaces 117- Self-Care

Soul Spaces 117 – Self-Care Now more than ever we need to take exquisite care of ourselves. Please make sure you are nourishing your body, mind, and soul. Photography is one of the ways I anchor myself in joy, wonder, and connection. Here are some of my favorite tips for self-care.  Spend time feeling gratitude,…

Soul Care, poetry

Soul Care

Soul Care ~ soft feathery clouds a sunset filled with grace whispers to my heart ~ I had a soul-nourishing day yesterday filled with food, friends, a walk in the woods and topped off with this stunning sunset. I have never seen clouds like these. They were like feather dusters for the sky, gently whisking…

Soul Spaces 115 – Ancient Sentinels

Ancient Sentinels ~ ancient hardwood trees guardians of forest paths towers of wisdom ~ tiptoeing through the forest a peaceful stillness prevails the ancients are watching wondering if we will ever wake up or simply keep racing through life consuming our lattes and danish with the earth in the balance the choices of mankind lie…

soul, sunsets, love

Soul Spaces 109

This week Soulful Sunday becomes Soul Spaces. Love in its essence is spiritual fire.~ Seneca I’ve decided to change the name of this series to Soul Spaces to better reflect the idea of feeding our souls. There are almost infinite ways to feed our souls. We each must learn what activities, people, and places nurture our…