Autumn Changes

Autumn 2020 at Lake Fayetteville


the seasons come and go

moments of joy and sorrow

days blending to weeks and years

do we savor the moment or

rush to complete the next task

may we remember to pause

breathing in the beauty and transitory nature of life

relishing what beauty and joy we find

while embracing our challenges

for more simple pleasures


Whiterock Overlook, Devil’s Den Park 2019

I decided to make a change in my work. I’ve been driving as a medical courier for the last year. While I’ve enjoyed the job and pace, more and more the high car expenses aren’t justified by the pay we receive, so I decided to look for other work and accepted a seasonal driver position with UPS. I’ll still be driving my own vehicle, but making much better pay. I’m both excited and nervous about the change. I’ve grown attached to my routines and don’t like change as much. Although, I also notice a sense of stagnation in my life. Hopefully, this will stir things up for the better.

My preference is to work part-time, allowing a more leisurely pace and time to enjoy things beyond work. While this job is very much full-time, I decided it will be good to push myself a little. Maybe I’ll even get in shape while hustling to make all those holiday gift deliveries! I expect to be very busy for the next two months with work taking up the majority of my time and life until mid-January. Then I can relax, enjoy a little financial cushion, evaluate what’s next, and maybe take a fun vacation for the first time in many years.

I may not be posting much and keeping up with your blogs. Just in case, I’ll wish everyone a season of love and joy now.

May we relish the good in our life, embrace the challenges, and spread more love.

Blessings, Brad

89 thoughts on “Autumn Changes

  1. Your photographs are always magnificent, Brad, and inspire me to slow down for a moment or two to savor them. The first one is like an enormous opal! Thank you for them AND for your wise words. I can use this kind of reminder over and over and over again. May the challenges of your new routine with UPS prove to be manageable — and maybe even invigorating. Also hurrah for better pay!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Your pictures and poem are beautiful, Brad. I know you love nature and it shows.
    May we all take time to cherish the moment, to just be.
    I wish you good luck with the UPS job. You are right, it will keep you fit as I frequently see
    these drivers in action. Running between houses with packages of various sizes.

    Hope to hear from you before holidays. All the best 😊☕️.


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  3. Your pictures and poem are beautiful, Brad. Good luck with your UPS shift and new adventure. It takes courage to shift things and embrace change and you have that in spades. ❤ xXx

    Liked by 2 people

  4. The top picture is so stunning!! Your poem is a very beautiful reminder for Life to be Here Now in these moments. Made me feel blessed, allow leisure in my being, just for being here.
    Your description of the feeling of stagnation, inviting change while simply not wanting change is so perfect – I can relate to it. Wish you the best of ease and joy with your new job and wishes for a wonderful holiday season!! We will be here whenever you find the space to get back, enjoy!!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Beautifully penned Brad..and the picture is really awesome…I remember, you had replied in one of my posts, that you have been drifting for a while , just going with the flow, taking things as they come without much hope or effort from your side. But reading about your job change and your mindset around it, makes me feel you’re motivated and driven….and it really makes me happy to see that…hope you have busy but fun time in the months ahead….hope you share the experience when you get time 👍🏻😊💟

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  6. Wow! So glad you took the plunge Brad and are open to positive changes coming in…It’s scary to break from routine. It’s why the world has been holding onto the craziness we’ve been ruled by forever because the thought of something new is terrifying to many. It requires TRUST and so many have lost trust after all we’ve been betrayed by….It will be a slow building back confidence but it will come, just like you and your move forward. Good luck with it and may you find new joy and peace as you begin to shift into a new space!!!! Loved the poem and pics as well….Take care Brad and stay well and stay safe! VK 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Hi Brad,
    It is good to shake things up every now and then.
    The challenges of the new job will bring you a lot satisfaction and rewards, I believe. And you can always stop and reevaluate at any time.
    Don’t forget to smile and have fun along the way!
    Wishing you the best! Blessings! ♥♥

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Wishing you love and joy as well, Brad. I hope you enjoy your new job – it will certainly keep you busy for a while!
    I’ve taken a long, unplanned break from blogging myself but I hope to be back soon. Meantime I enjoy reading your blog whenever a notification pops up. I’ll just keep an eye out for those and enjoy reading your posts when you create them.
    All the best.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Good for you, Brad. I hope your new job makes you happy and opens the world in a whole new way for you. It’s scary making a change, so I think it’s fantastic that you just totally went for it. After the Christmas season is over, I really hope you take that vacation. You deserve one and have waited long enough. I hope the next couple of months are full of magic and peace and love. As always, I wish you only the best, my friend. HNS 💕

    Liked by 2 people

  10. This is a perfect autumn post, Brad ~ you capture the beauty of the season with your photos, your words, and then most excitedly 🙂 your breaking the stagnation with a new challenge 🙂 Autumn changes are natural, and while always a bit breathtaking in beauty, can also be unnerving with the new coming in – but I think you’ll enjoy and find some special with your new job. And your words also reflect while there is a lot going on with the holidays coming up, always take the time to pause: “do we savor the moment or rush to complete the next task; may we remember to pause” Cheers and look forward to your updates ~

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Happy to hear that you are making some changes. Maybe eventually you’ll be able to cut hours to part-time. I can understand wanting more time to yourself for your photography and writing. The first photo especially is brilliant. Love it.

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  12. A beautiful poem about paying attention and relishing our moments. I don’t think you can take a bad picture of Lake Fayetteville, and the view from Whiterock Overlook is wonderful. I hope you enjoy your new job and that it brings something shiny and new to your season as well as a little financial cushion. Drive safe and enjoy spreading some cheer wherever you go. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Hi amigo, como estas? I loved your thoughtful lines, echoing the energy of both nostagia and change that autumn can bring along! What a lovely photograph you shared with us, also. I could not agree more with your philosophy of truly cherishing the many gifts in front of us while rolling with the punches. Congratulations on your new job, also! It sounds like it will be an awesome experience – pushing oneself beyond one’s comfort zone is, in my opinion, a very healthy and important thing to do. Life is growth and change, as autumn teaches us, right? 🙂 Muchos abrazos y hasta pronto 💚🤗🤗🤗

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  14. I love reading about your journey Brad. Professionally and personally. And it’s uncanny how much I too, and moving in and out of the flow of posting and commenting on WordPress. The pandemic has us going digital way too much, so I have also been finding solace and peace in Mother Nature. And in your words and photos. We bloggers may all be separated by distance and circumstance. But we will always be connected by heart. Andrea

    Liked by 3 people

  15. Brad, this is a beautifully poetic and pictorial reminder to pause and enjoy the magic of the season – Autumn this year has been spectacular and I’m savouring each and every day.

    Great news about your change of job and enjoy – just mind your back! Particularly during this busy time of year.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Congratulations on the job, Brad!! Change yes is uncomfortable at first but then it becomes familiar and feels good. And as for this ….. “May we relish the good in our life, embrace the challenges, and spread more love.” ….. I couldn’t agree more. More and more people are realizing these things and ignoring the cloud of negative that wants to destroy. I say HURRAY!! I’m seeing more and more people reaching out to one another, and so many happy faces that I feel like I’m walking in heaven!! Shine on, you!!! We all who are walking in LOVE are creating a New World!! (((HUGS)))!! xo

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