Under a Blushing Moon

Under a Blushing Moon

romance, poetry


spring’s arrival boldly on display

a carnival of color and procreation

nubile shoots glowing with vitality

naked petals quivering in readiness

pollen poised for loving union

petals dancing and surging

pollinators feasting hungrily

nature’s Eros fully exposed

under a blushing moon


spring fever, poetry

This is my whimsical take on writing a poem based on the phrase “blushing moon”. I took the liberty of accepting this challenge that Gabriela of Short Prose issued to Drew from The Lonely Author. I hope these wonderful poets aren’t offended at my bold insertion into their personal poetry challenge. The thrill of romance and blushing moons was too much for me to ignore. 😳

Health Update

I finally went to the doctor. It turns out I have a strep sinus infection. Pretty serious, but I’m taking medicine, grateful to know what is going on, and relieved that it isn’t the Covid 19 virus or anything contagious. I’ve been working at Walmart, sanitizing the high touch areas in the store, helping to keep people fed and safe. I don’t love the exposure, but I am grateful for a job and income.

Take good care of yourselves, help others, and let’s turn this virus challenge into something good.

Blessings, Brad

104 thoughts on “Under a Blushing Moon

  1. First Brad,very hapy Gabriela was able to inspire you as well with her blushing moon prompt. It inspired me.
    She has that wonderful ability of bringing the best out of people.

    Now, as for your submission for the prompt….it was lovely. You have a beautiful, delicate way of writing about nature, evoking feelings of serenity and beauty. Spring….a carnival of color and procreation. How beautifully you described it.

    So well done Brad. Very happy you took part in the challenge.

    Finally, about your health, grateful and relieved it was not COVID 19 or anything serious like that. It would be a horrible shame for someone so caring and gentle to come down with this virus. Take your meds, follow the doctors instructions, and try to get plenty of rest.

    Sorry, you are exposed to any danger. Please, take good care of yourself and use every precaution imaginable when you are in the streets or at work.

    Be well my friend. Be safe.
    Again, you did a wonderful job.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. So glad you got an answer to what has been ailing you, hopefully now that you’ve surely got some antibiotic for that strep you can start feeling better soon! Hugs to you, Brad, stay safe during your work at Walmart cleaning and sanitizing! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  3. ‘The thrill of romance and blushing moons’ – who could possibly ignore that. Beautiful poem…and a glorious image, but then I wouldn’t expect anything less from you.
    I didn’t know that you had been unwell and so am glad to hear that it’ not the virus. I am quite sure that your job at Walmart is a good one for thinking….:). Stay well Brad and may your creative juices continue to flow….Janet :)XX

    Liked by 5 people

  4. A lovely poem, Brad. I am glad to see this post and know you are well. All of my family have had a virus which turned to a chest infection for Michael and I and a sinus infection for Greg and then Michael had a sinus infection too. It was a nasty one and both boys have needed two antibiotics to get rid of it. I hope yours is not as determined.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Wow Robbie. I’m sorry to hear that your family has had this cruddy infection too. I’m feeling a little better already, in great part due to the relieve of knowing it’s not covid. Take good care my friend.


  5. Your poem will remind me to appreciate pollen in new ways. When it activates my allergic reactions, I will endeavor to remember: “pollen poised for loving union.” Please take extra good care of yourself, Brad.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Brad,
    I fully enjoyed your poem and applaud your sharing of it. Here is the line that most resonated with me, “naked petals quivering in readiness”
    It so expresses vulnerability.
    Glad to hear you have made it to the doctor and hopefully you are going to start feeling better very soon. Take good care of yourself.
    From Portland, Oregon where we have now be ordered to stay inside.

    Liked by 4 people

  7. Beautiful and positive poem! I also really like that picture. I hope you feel better soon, and thank you for helping keep people safe and being a part of keeping grocery stores up and running!

    Liked by 3 people

  8. I loved the poem, and gosh Spring sure has arrived. I admit I miss tulips. Two of my favorite flowers are tulips and lilacs, neither grow in the lie desert of AZ. I’m always up for a road trip north, But thanks for sharing today. Sorry you aren’t feeling well, Happy you will get better. 🤗

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Gorgeous images and words, Brad. Thank you for sharing them here.
    Thanks for the update on you too. Don’t minimize the sinus infection. I had one that that turned into pneumonia many years ago. I hope the doctor gave you something that gets you on the mend quickly. Take good care of you. Hugs on the wing!

    Liked by 4 people

  10. Hey Brad, first of all please rest up untill your flu is better and the infection is treated. I’m glad you’re not under COVID infection. Please take care of your health. I loved your poem and the lovely violet flower 💜

    Liked by 4 people

  11. A lovely poem, Brad. I’m glad you took the challenge. Keep it up. And I’m relieved that you don’t have the virus, though strep is no fun at all. Stay safe as you help others stay safe. Keep up the attitude of kindness. It will help your immune system. ❤

    Liked by 4 people

  12. Glad that you get medication for your sinus. I hope you will get recovered soon. I do have spring allergies, and sometimes it’s confusing to differ the flu and allergy, and now possible of infection as well.

    Beautiful poem too 🙂 wishing you the best at work, hope things will get better!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. i’m glad you were able to find out what is going on and receive relief on all fronts – emotionally, mentally, and physically, as i’m sure it was stressful not knowing what was going on while also not feeling well.i hope you continue to feel better. i’m so relieved for you and grateful for what you’re doing with your job to help others. you are an angel brad. i’m with you on turning this whole challenge into something better. ❤ big love!!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Hey Brad…I hope you feel better!! That is a serious condition and I am certain that it must have been so painful! Here’s to you feeling much better…and so full of gratitude that it isn’t Covid 19! Wow!
    I hope it is a beautiful day by you today…and that you get to go out in nature and explore some possibilities. 🙂
    Stay well!

    Liked by 2 people

  15. I LOVE YOUR GIFT OF HELPING US BE IN THE MOMENT….. you crystallize every opportunity to soak in all the beauty around us. Thanks so much Brad! And please stay safe dear friend! ❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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