romance, poetry

Under a Blushing Moon

Under a Blushing Moon ~ spring’s arrival boldly on display a carnival of color and procreation nubile shoots glowing with vitality naked petals quivering in readiness pollen poised for loving union petals dancing and surging pollinators feasting hungrily nature’s Eros fully exposed under a blushing moon ~ This is my whimsical take on writing a…

spring, delight, poetry

Downtown Delights

Downtown Delights ~ springtime festivals nature delights our senses bursting with color ~ I took advantage of my day off to wander around downtown enjoying the signs of spring. The art features were a lovely complement to the colorful blossoms like in the photos below. Jason’s mural is full of color and joy with the…

spring, poetry, joy

Spring Fling

Spring Fling ~ he flashed his white blooms she opened purple petals they had a spring fling ~ Many years ago I rented an apartment in this neighborhood. Each spring the street explodes with dogwoods, redbuds, azaleas and an abundance of flowers. People walk and drive through the neighborhood to gawk at the springtime display…

poetry, flowers, haiku, dreams

Lacey Dreams

Lacey Dreams tender white blossoms birthing lacey summer dreams wafting through my mind ~ I love the delicate flowers on the cilantro. It’s a delight to have such beautiful and delicate blossoms on my herbs. And yes Cynthia, they are edible! Ā šŸ™‚ I chose the alternative spelling of lacy for this urban definition;Ā Gracefulness at its…