Silly Salvation

Silly Salvation


Silly Salvation, poetry, play

The Fantasmas by Belén Soto

we embrace and talk

a moment to laugh and walk

relief from the daily grind

letting go of my fearful mind

the stories don’t matter

reduced to minor chatter

thanks to a walk with thee

my heart is full of glee


The gifts of friendship and laughter.

This poem was inspired by my friend David who embodies the gifts of play, laughter, and enthusiasm. It is such a pleasure to spend time in his company. A walk in the neighborhood becomes a healing retreat; full of laughter, acceptance, and connection. Dave has a gift for making fun of life and himself in a way that helps me let go of my stories and a mind that wants to figure everything out. Most of us are stuck in our stories, needing to endlessly repeat them in a hopeless attempt to gain the love, relief, and things we believe we need for happiness. After a brief walk with Dave, I feel refreshed, alive and ready to embrace my life again.

The direct method for peace and happiness is to simply let the stories and judgments go and embrace life as it is. Then we are able to find delight in the simple pleasures of life like smelling a spring flower, watching a colorful sunset, or laughing with a friend. And suddenly, all seems right with the world again. Thank you brother Dave. You are a treasure in my life.

And thanks to Belén Soto for your playful characters that also help remind me to not take life so seriously. These delightful characters are called Fantasmas. I am grateful for the friends who love, laugh, and support me on this journey called life. Thank You!

55 thoughts on “Silly Salvation

  1. Brad, your poem is delightful as is your post.. And what you said here
    “The direct method for peace and happiness is to simply let the stories and judgments go and embrace life as it is. Then we are able to find delight in the simple pleasures of life like smelling a spring flower, watching a colorful sunset, or laughing with a friend.”
    So true… Nothing beats these simple pleasures…. I hope you keep on Laughing, Letting go and Smelling the flowers Brad.. 🙂 For these are what really counts..

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi Brad, thank you very much for choosing my Fantasmas (ghosts) to illustrate this poem, they are very funny and and long ago that not scare anyone … they prefer to make new friends to play 🙂
    Thank you for sharing such a positive spirit and for your friendship.
    Send a big hug from Spain!!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Reblogged this on Arcilla y fuego and commented:
    Nuestros fantasmas tienen el honor de ilustrar un precioso y positivo poema acerca de la vida, los amigos y los paseos …
    Gracias Brad!!
    Our ghosts have the honor to illustrate a beautiful and positive poem about life, friends and walks …
    Thanks Brad !!

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Reblogged this on What's So What? and commented:
    Brad and I went for a walkabout around our neighborhood yesterday afternoon after Andrea and I made our daily inspection around Wilson Park. As is often the case, I found both outings quite rejuvenating and relaxing. Brad wrote about our ambulatory antics in his blog today. I sound like a pretty decent fellow. Feels good!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You touch on something here that I never think about, until I head out with a friend I have not seen in a while, and then all troubles/expectations and worries disappear…you say it well. Those special moments we take for granted at times are simply the best part of the day/week/month… The simple life is often the best.

    Liked by 1 person

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