Fox Tales

Fox TalesFox Tales


big bushy tail sways

calling the boys to come play

shall we dance tonight


eyes and ears alert

a mother out foraging

looks for secret signs


This little cutie came to visit today, I’ve seen her around the property before, but today she was right outside my bedroom window. Although my cell phone didn’t capture the beautiful details, I’m still grateful for nature and her gifts!  🙂

fox, poetry

30 thoughts on “Fox Tales

  1. Your foxes are a different shade than the ones here.. Ours are quite Red well bright brown in colour hence the name Red Fox.. We have them around too… But we only see their tracks in the snow.. They are very shy and nocturnal usually. Brilliant you got to capture her sitting so calmly 🙂
    Loved the poem also Brad.. Have a wonderful weekend.. Hugs Sue

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Awww, how sweet! I would have totally tried to find some tidbits of food (a no-no, I know) but only because I just want all animals to have plenty and thrive. Hehe.
    These photos just make me smile!

    Liked by 2 people

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