Pools of Love

Pools of Love

your eyes speak of endless depths

reflecting beauty beyond this place

gazing into them I lose myself

in fathomless pools of love


radiant beauty dancing with life

love seeping from your soul

every word, gesture and touch

pulsing with vibrant life

eye gazing, love, poetry


new to such power and vulnerability

my ego pulls back into analysis

what is this openness that doesn’t defend

but gives without reserve


your eyes beckon

welcoming me home

diving into your eyes

I find endless pools of love


I have shared intimate moments with men and women gazing into their eyes. As many a poet has expressed, our eyes seem to be portals to the soul and other deep places. If we are brave and lucky enough to simply sit and gaze into another’s eyes without words, defense or mind, we may find treasures beyond compare. 

May our souls speak the language of love.



37 thoughts on “Pools of Love

  1. I love the analogy of one’s eyes being a portal to the person’s soul. This a beautiful message and representation of the power of connection between two individuals – a wonderful reminder to submerge myself in those fathomless pools of love. Well done, Brad 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love this, Brad! The eyes really do tell so much, don’t they? Your poem is such a beautiful, wonderful expression, but I also love what you shared at the end…
    “As many a poet has expressed, our eyes seem to be portals to the soul and other deep places. If we are brave and lucky enough to simply sit and gaze into another’s eyes without words, defense or mind, we may find treasures beyond compare. “

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve done this also Brad… gazing into people’s eyes. Powerful poetry and shows the eyes are indeed the window to the soul. Blessings, Lisa


  4. When I didn’t have a partner, I learned to look into the mirror at my own eyes with a look of love. deep love. It was weird at first, but then it got to be comforting, and even fun. To go along with Natalie’s blessing, you might imagine how wonderful it will feel, when the time is right, to gaze into the eyes of another who is worthy of your love.

    Liked by 1 person

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