People Here, There, and Everywhere

This week Tina asked us to share photos of people here, there, and everywhere. Most of my photography revolves around nature so this was a hard challenge for me. I generally avoid photographing people, especially without their permission. Surprisingly, I was able to dig up a few photographs of people, mostly family, friends, and people…

More Nesting

I’m back from my trip and learning how to make the best of where I am. For much of my life, I looked to change circumstances to feel better, believing I needed things a certain way in order to be happy. Lately, I spend more time looking for the good in where I am and…

poetry, love, angels

Angels Among Us

Angels Among Us   be still my sweet child listen to our quiet calls we are here for you ~ watching, helping and loving you every step angels among us ~ This is a shout out to my WordPress family, especially those who are so supportive of others with your kind words, shared posts, friendship…

Gratitude, living fully

Harvesting Gratitude

What are you harvesting this season? My harvest has been a little sparse lately, so I’m choosing to plant more seeds of gratitude for Thanksgiving. In past years, I’ve participated in various gratitude challenges and processes during the fall season. How about you? Will you join me in growing more gratitude to open your heart? Thanksgiving has always been…