Honoring Mothers

Another view of Devil’s Den from Yellowrock Overlook


Today I want to honor our mothers; the earth, our birthmothers, and anyone who has helped nurture and care for us.

Planet earth is mother to everyone whether we acknowledge her or not. Most of you know of my love and appreciation for nature and her beautiful diversity of life. Here are some flowers from last week’s hike at Devil’s Den.


the cycles of life

earth’s beauty and diverse gifts

a day to give thanks


Mom and I last year.


I’m headed to Virginia this week to visit my mom and brother. We will be talking about living options for mom if she can’t stay in the house. Me living with mom is one option that we will discuss. I wonder if mom would consider moving to Arkansas in my complex or a senior community that has assisted living options? Anyway, we will be having some discussions about what comes next. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

I will be away from blogging for two to three weeks. May we appreciate our mothers and all who help care for us.

Happy Mother’s Day!

78 thoughts on “Honoring Mothers

  1. Beautiful photos and a lovely tribute to the mother of us all, Brad. Best of luck as you discuss your mom’s living arrangements. It’s not a comfortable one, but so necessary and for the best in the long run for everyone. I hope you find plenty of opportunities for peace and relaxation on your break as well as productive conversations. ā¤

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Safe travels! Sending good energy for you and brother with Mom in your thoughts for best choice for her. Thank you for sharing your concerns on such a weighty decision. Blessings on this post for such lovely beauty in honour of Moms and Mother Earth.

    Liked by 5 people

  3. A beautiful share Brad! I love the photo of you and your mom and your love for Mother Earth. Know that I’ll be keeping you in my heart and thoughts, as you are away visiting and discussing these important decisions. Safe and harmonious travels sweet friend. I know things will come to light.

    Liked by 5 people

  4. What a wonderful tribute Brad to your Mom on Mother’s Day and I am sure your discussions will come up with the perfect solutions that suits everyone.. Wishing you well on your trip and loved the picture of your Mom and you…
    Safe Travels.. šŸ’š

    Liked by 5 people

  5. This is EXACTLY the post I wanted and needed to read today. Thank you, Brad! I will happily keep you and you mother and brother in my thoughts while you are visiting them and having important, heartful conversations about the future.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. I appreciate acknowledging Mother Earth – I do feel She is our greatest Mother. Beautiful picture of you and your mom Brad. Wishing you an easeful time with all the choices and discussions that might be ongoing for you at the moment. A lovely poem and pictures too.


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