Super Bowl Blues

From last year’s frozen rain.


my team lost the game

failed to claim trophy or fame

sulking and staring at the walls

muttering about some bad calls

while lamenting the news

feeling the super bowl blues


I have no lover to romance

no partner to ask for a dance

she long since left the roost

greener pastures have seduced

maybe I’ll write a sad tune

my dog and I left to moon

howling at poor reviews

wailing our super bowl blues


these poems suck

my muse has run amok

unable to find the flow

muttering about the snow

will romance ever return

rhetorical questions churn

this sad poet left to wither

wandering about in a dither


Ice festival!


I couldn’t muster up any feelings of love or romance for Valentine’s Day, so I decided to embrace the cranky feelings and let my muse write this silly verse. My way of making lemonade from lemons.

To clarify, I’m not feeling devastated by the game or lack of romance. I am feeling a general malaise and disappointment about my life, but no cause for concern. I was simply using acceptance, humor, and imagination to cope. Thanks for your concern.

May your week be full of humor and acceptance. I’ll leave romance for braver souls!

46 thoughts on “Super Bowl Blues

  1. I love the Ice Festival picture! I absolutely enjoyed your poem, how you bring humor and truth to it. I too have felt more than cranky and I am ok with it until it wants to last – I like to allow my emotions and celebrations to follow their own calendar 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. awesome photos Brad and i love the humor…V-day is an overrated day and adding some muddiness to it is more real…plus things don’t just magickally change because it’s named a particular thing…humor and acceptance are valuable all year long and love and kindness is something we choose every day. and it comes in many forms…not just romance. big hugs and thanks for the smiles!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Oh Brad, much as I smiled at your poem I want to assure you that even those that have a love/partner in our lives, that life isn’t all roses. V Day is all a commercial rort anyway! Embrace that crankiness, I have those days too!!! Sending you big hugs from down under. 😍

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I didn’t really have a team favorite, Brad, but the one I was rooting for lost. I love love your photo of the Ice Festival. What a fabulous shot. It looks like fireworks, only better! And the poems were fun, though you said you weren’t taking them seriously. Spring is on its way, my friend. Hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. One of the things I like about stream of consciousness writing (which this seems to be) is the honesty. Even with romance, I still need humor and acceptance for many things. Thanks for reminding me what great tools these can be! Great photo of the ice festival!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I really enjoyed this poem, Brad! 🙂
    I’m not much of a football fan…and I wanted the Bengals to win because a good friend is SUCH A FAN! I did watch…and though I don’t understand much I was right there in it…yelling and cheering…and then I was like…WHAT JUST HAPPENED!
    Feel you feelings…and keep writing great poems like this to express them! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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