Dream Time


expansive vistas

puffy clouds drift over fields

potent dreams set free


Whenever I see wide open fields with big vistas, I feel open and expansive. Dreamtime calls me with the desire to lie down and allow my body to relax while my spirit soars. A field of dreams is the perfect way to describe this calling. Maybe it’s time for some new dreams for my writing and life.

May your dreams be inspired.

81 thoughts on “Dream Time

  1. For some reason I don’t think my comments on your blog are going through. I commented on here when you posted but don’t see my comment. Maybe commenting from my cell phone causes challenge. Regardless, this is a very dream worthy image 🙌 full of limitless inspiration. Hoping the spark for new dreams ignites for you in a way that feels joyful.

    Liked by 3 people

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