A Walk in the Park

A Walk in the Park


a stroll in the woods

camera at the ready

hunting for beauty


I had a nice walk at Lake Fayetteville, my favorite local park, on Sunday. It was nourishing to get out in the fresh air, feel the energy, and see signs of spring all around. In the last few days, the trees and grass are really bursting forth with color, leaves, buds, and green goodness. Enjoy!

You can see the grass starting to turn green and a hint of color on these trees. spring, beautyNext is this delightful wild flower that was growing along the trail. I believe it is Rue anemone; a delicate woodland perennial growing to 9 inches The blossom reminds me of a dogwood blossom, but this was a small plant growing on the ground. plant, beautyNext is a peek into the Ozark Botanical Gardens that is adjacent to Lake Fayetteville. Pictured is a grouping of bird feeders that was full of birds until I tried to take a photo! And behind the feeders is a shelter for butterflies. In the summer, it is full of hundreds of flowering plants with butterflies fluttering about and feeding. Quite magical to experience.butterfly house

And finally, we have a mystery. I don’t know why this decaying tree has a white mass in the middle. It looks like a dinosaur hanging out in a red rock canyon. Or maybe I shouldn’t have ingested that mushroom? 😜

wood artMay we appreciate the many gifts from nature. Happy Spring!

107 thoughts on “A Walk in the Park

  1. “ Hunting for beauty” , what a wonderful end line of your poem. And emotionally it is uplifting to hear. I love every photo but love the anemone nemorosa , such a harbinger of spring.
    And the grass is definitely greening up. Thanks, Brad.


    Liked by 14 people

  2. Your post is just what I needed to soothe my days… so much going on and taking a walk in your beautiful countryside is just what the doctor orders❤️ I see a friendly dragon who is reminding us all to not be afraid of facing our fears, concerns and pains. We must all breathe, accepting them and allow them to transmute now… time for the old and negative to leave and in with the new❤️ Thankyou Brad for your inspiring being ness, sending love🥰

    Liked by 10 people

  3. Hunting with a camera is the best, Brad. I like your word “nourishing.” I cannot imagine how beautiful and magical, the plants and butterflies in the Gardens. I am curious about the mystery, too. I will read the comments and see whether any clues.

    Liked by 8 people

  4. I’m so glad you’re getting outside with your camera, Brad. Wonderful sunny shots. I love the perspective of the stream and the light through the Rue. And the butterfly shelter sounds magical! Enjoy the gifts of the returning spring!

    Liked by 8 people

  5. Thank you dear Brad for taking me on your beautiful walk and pointing out those magical moments of beauty which surrounds your world.. Nature’s natural beauty inspires renewal in us all..
    Happy Easter my friend ❤ 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Hahaha! Brad that is so funny! Stay away from those mushrooms!! But the problem is I see the same thing!!
    Loved the stroll. I can see you are out and about taking in all the signs of spring and LOVING IT!! Here’s to renewal…here’s to growth…and here’s to always moving forward! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  7. So fun going on this walk with you. We’re loving the spring cropping up here as well. It is a time of renewal, especially after Covid, Although it’s not done yet, having had our vaccines, I feel like we’re on the other side of it. What a great feeling.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Thanks for sharing your walk at Lake Fayetteville, Brad. I enjoyed walking along with you. It really does look like spring has sprung in your part of the world, and may you see more blooms and next time butterflies on your upcoming walks. I agree that shape in the tree looks like a dinosaur reaching out. Great eye you have there. Also love your poem. So perfect to describe your walk 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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