The Spring of Corona

The Spring of Corona

I started this post a couple of years ago and revised it for our corona focused world. I highly recommend Charles Eisenstein’s essay called Coronation. I’m choosing the path of love and cooperation. How about you?

Thanks for reading and being part of our community. I appreciate you.

Spring in the year of Trump and corona.

Holiday letter, love, beauty

President Trump continues to significantly shape the tone of our country and politics.

For me, Donald Trump personifies the shadow side of our culture. He represents the ego’s need for validation, attention, and power in a desperate attempt to maintain control. Many deep thinkers and spiritual leaders believe the current problems will actually help bring about transformation as we face the dark side in our collective selves. Clearly, many things need to change, but the only aspect I can control is myself.

In these turbulent times, one of the most important things we can do is root ourselves in love and share it with the world. I strive to do this with my friends, blog, and volunteering.

We may never go back to “normal” and the way things were before the virus infected our minds and world. As others have concluded, this is probably a good thing. The way we live as a human society is not working well for the larger earth community. We need to become more balanced and integrated with the larger ecosystem that we inhabit. It doesn’t make sense to keep pursuing fame, fortune, and stuff while our personal and collective worlds decay.

Below are some highlights from Charles Eisenstein’s Coronation essay;  a highly insightful reflection on our current situation.

 We can take advantage of this pause, this break in normal, to turn onto a path of reunion, holism, restoring lost connections, repairing community, and rejoining the web of life.

The real virus we face is fear. Every act of compassion, kindness, courage, or generosity heals us from the story of separation. A true sovereign serves the people and life, and respects the sovereignty of all people.

No longer the vassals of fear, we can bring order to the kingdom and build an intentional society on the love already shining through the cracks of the world. ~ Charles Eisenstein

As I gradually let go of my need to control the political landscape, coronavirus, environmental disasters, and other issues beyond my control, I’ve mellowed and settled into peace and acceptance. This doesn’t mean that I don’t care, but mostly, my focus has been on personal survival with a dash of compassion. I feel more comfortable in my skin, but lack a clear direction or purpose for my life.

My new goal is to act, think, and be more holistic; growing peace, love, and compassion for our emerging world.

48 thoughts on “The Spring of Corona

  1. Thank you Brad for this superb post. You are so right about Trump. The virus has pointed out to humankind how little control we ultimately have. This must be very frightening for those who seek power and control. Have a beautiful day – Janet X

    Liked by 3 people

  2. beautiful brad ❤ i love your reflections here and the personal conclusion you've arrived at that we can all learn from as example and merge ingredients for making a richer life – being more holistic, settling into greater peace, and adding an extra dash of compassion to our every day. warm smiles from my heart to yours ❤

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Hi Brad-

    You seem to have reflected deeply on things. I’d like to believe that most have used this time to do so, but now that I’m working and interacting with the public again, I see that’s not the case. I also feel adrift and without a clear purpose. So much of what I’ve put energy into in the past year has failed. I have to believe it’s all part of the plan. We are in an unsettling liminal time and faith is crucial. Thank you for shining your light.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Brad, oh I love this my friend! I so resonate with everything you, as well as Charles Eisenstein, write here, I actually feel the truth of it in my bones. I ve gone through a very similar process like you regarding how to view this current situation. I totally feel the bigger picture here – crisis is the birth cry of true transformation, if we allow to open our hearts and minds to this promising possibility. Do we want to hold onto our old, and at times easier seeming ways, or do we want to shed the heaviness of the past and embrace more loving ways? Thank you for this. Written like a true leader, Brad! Big hugs and much love 🤗💞

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This is lovely, Brad. And something I need to hear over and over again as I get swept up in despair. I do hope that we come through this wiser, healthier, and more compassionate. I believe we will, but it’s going to be a bumpy road. I’m taking a deep breath now. Thank you. Be well, my friend. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  6. So well put. And I agree with you on Donald and the shadow side. What I don’t understand is those who excuse it and somehow think some greater good will result from that. I think we each need to act according to our conscience, but that conscience can’t be sleepy:).

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Dear Brad….. What a well rounded, beautiful thought out post… You are right.. it matters not our opinions, but our perspectives… And where our hearts lie… As you know I also was very much in agreement with Charles’s essay.. And you have chosen wonderful highlights too .. And so right… The real virus IS FEAR… and it is only going to escalate if we do not Choose LOVE, Compassion, Kindness and Caring…
    So many people think our world is not their responsibility.. But the World only mirrors back that which we have created within it…
    The only thing we each of us can do is as you have said so well here Brad .. Your last paragraph said it all

    ” As I gradually let go of my need to control the political landscape, coronavirus, environmental disasters, and other issues beyond my control, I’ve mellowed and settled into peace and acceptance. This doesn’t mean that I don’t care, but mostly, my focus has been on personal survival with a dash of compassion. I feel more comfortable in my skin, but lack a clear direction or purpose for my life.

    My new goal is to act, think, and be more holistic; growing peace, love, and compassion for our emerging world.”

    Bless you Dear Brad…. 🙂 that is exactly how I feel.. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. My hope is that your purpose becomes crystal clear for you in that way that maybe has never happened before. We are all here to learn and grow. I’ve enjoyed your sharing, your heart’s intention, and your constant generosity of time. Have a wonderful evening, Brad. I’m choosing hope even when it seems impossible at times. Recently, I found a new level of peace and it came from burrowing into myself in the most meaningful of ways… much love to you…

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Your posts are always a breath of fresh air Brad… Love the Coronation essay, it says it all AND your purpose is to be, be the sovereign magnificent being you were born to discover this lifetime and be the example for all Humanity❤️ Thankyou and much love🥰

    Liked by 1 person

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