Hidden Charms

Hidden Charmsbeauty, macro views, poetry


macro details shine

fresh views of nature’s splendor

beauty revealed


When I was younger, I was focused on the obvious beauty of a sunset, mountain range, or grand vista. Those beautiful sights stirred my passion for nature and photography. Gradually, since living in Arkansas, I’ve learned to look more closely at nature, finding details and beauty that are easy to miss. This has changed my experience of life and Arkansas. At first, I couldn’t really see the beauty in Arkansas because I was comparing to other places blessed with those grand views and charms. As my field of focus changed, I learned to appreciate the subtle beauty of texture, color, macro patterns, and small details. I’m grateful to have learned to find so much beauty right beneath my feet.

May beauty reveal her hidden charms. 

49 thoughts on “Hidden Charms

  1. I so agree, beauty is everywhere, not only in the big picture but also in the details! When I’m on holiday in Greece, you can find me regularly squatting in the dirt trying to take a macro shot of a tiny flower, water droplets or minuscule crystals in rocks… I don’t mind getting scraped knees in the process 😉

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  2. I love to go on walks in my neighborhood and practice looking “with new eyes” to see beauty I haven’t seen before in my everyday world. Photography has helped me with this.
    Thanks for sharing your photos.

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  3. My mother used to say that beauty was in the eye of the beholder and boy, was she right. I have a couple of friends who live in Palm Springs and love the scenery there. I joke about the “dirt hills” and general lack of lushness. Glad you’re finding beauty where you are.

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  4. Love the photo Brad.. and yes it is all about perspectives, when we take a closer look, we find beauty in the smallest of things, I caught myself bewitched by the rainbows in the soap bubbles while washing up the other day.. We can find something magical where ever we focus..
    Have a lovely evening and enJOY your week ahead my friend.. ❤

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