Soul Spaces 109

This week Soulful Sunday becomes Soul Spaces.

Love in its essence is spiritual fire.~ Seneca

soul, sunsets, loveI’ve decided to change the name of this series to Soul Spaces to better reflect the idea of feeding our souls.

There are almost infinite ways to feed our souls. We each must learn what activities, people, and places nurture our spirit. Nature, family, creativity, and meditation are some common ways. Without being tied to a particular day, I can post anytime my heart is called to love. And what better way to nurture our souls than to celebrate love in its many forms.

I’ve been taking more time to nurture my body, mind, and soul this month and the roots are starting to grow. I feel a love coming alive inside me. It’s been a long cold winter, lasting more than 8 years. I’m ready to love. To love my self, to love others, to love a partner, and to love life. I’m back to watching sunsets as a way to celebrate life with gratitude and presence. I’m spending more time in meditation. I’m intending to spend more time on exercise and in nature. And I’m reading books, watching shows, and doing things that feed my soul.

I’ve always loved dancing, but haven’t danced publicly for a long time. In my 30s, I discovered the joy of dancing for myself. I would dance around my living room, creating a feeling of union with the music, almost as if the music is dancing me. Lately, I’ve been considering joining a local swing dance group. Meanwhile, I’m watching flashmob videos on YouTube. 🙂 I especially love all the creative marriage proposals that include flashmobs and dancing. Maybe I’ll meet my forever woman at one!

Love is the shortest distance between two hearts. ~ musebrad

Here is one of my favorite proposals; for the touching story, photography, music, and heartfelt expressions of love between Mike, Elizabeth, and Michael Jr. When Mike found a building named Grace in Bryant Park (which is Elizabeth’s middle name), he knew it was time to propose and where!

This video is one of the most creative and lighthearted flashmob proposals I’ve seen. And like many of these proposals, it’s paired to “Marry You” by Bruno Mars. From Bruno, Amy, Issac, and the gang to you and yours, enjoy!

If you’re ready for more love, here is a whole website devoted to the Best Marriage Proposals!

Will you marry me?

56 thoughts on “Soul Spaces 109

  1. Hi Brad I love this post. I also love the idea of Soul Spaces. I call mine Heart Spaces or Quiet Spaces, just a personal thing I do for myself. I love what you are doing and the videos. Hope you are staying warm it’s been so cold last week and maybe snow here tomorrow. Big hugs to you on this Soul calming Saturday! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A lovely post, Brad. The growth of love has to start inside us, and that’s so hard to do when we are in a dark and wintry place. I’m so glad that the roots of love are starting to grow inside you. Like attracts like, and love will surely follow. Thanks for the wonderful clips. I love the happiness and joy and fun. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Good for you – I hope you join that swing dance group! I really enjoyed the proposal set to the Bruno Mars song “Marry Me”. I have liked that song since I saw it in a wedding seen on Glee. I loved that show! (Is it wrong for a grown woman to admit that?)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I really like the new title, Soul Spaces. A space where we can just let outlr souls be and share a bit of ourselves with the world. So lovely to hear you are embracing yourself and being you. Onwards and upwards. A lovely sunset 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow, WOW, Brad, I am just finishing up mopping the tears streaming down my face after watching both of those amazing proposals .. Just fabulous..
    Love that you are now feeling more in your own Happy Soul space Brad.. I hope you do join a dance group.. They are so much fun.. I joined a Zumba one a few years ago as a way to exercise.. We had so many giggles and met lots of new people..
    Love the new name.. And so as I still wipe away happy tears..

    Have a beautiful Sunday Brad… and I so thank you for being such a special friend here on WP..
    Love and Hugs your way 💜

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Those videos were the SWEETEST!! And I hope you continue dancing, my friend. I’m *so* glad your winter is over. There are daffodils, forsythias, and redbuds in store for you. Keep finding the magic. Yours is a noble heart. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I love it, Brad…the new name…your energy…your love of dancing!! I just danced the other night. They had a karaoke night at our clubhouse…I would not have normally gone, but an older friend wanted us to go with her. Well, I not only danced…BUT I SANG!!! oh boy…the B-52’s would have been mortified at the “Love Shack” rendition my fellow singers and I gave!!! Keep dancing, Brad. Dancing is a wonderful way for us to connect to our bodies…to our spirits!!
    (p.s. I sent out an email campaign today and yours bounced back…I think it is because it was your old address. If you are interested you can sign up for my email list again, with your new address, on my blog…and I will make sure you get the email.)

    Sending lots of love and sunshine…hope the new digs are working out great! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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