Moka Madness

Moka Madness

I have sad news to report.

After going missing, Muse Brad has been found, but he’s in bad shape. 

Moka Madness, latte, humor, muse, writingAfter a series of breakdowns, attacks, escapes, and affairs, Muse Brad has contracted a new strain of fever called Moka Madness. He can’t eat, sleep, or do anything except think of the divine Moka Chino. It’s an understandable affliction. With her caramel complexion, dark curves, coffee roots, and creamy overtones, Moka is one hot drink of goodness. Please send your prayers that the herbalist, Miss-Tea, can cure him of this caffeine madness. She is recommending a gradual weaning off Moka, starting with Moka Latte, then decaf Moka, Chai Latte, Herbal Tea, and finally lemon water. Sounds like torture to me!

It’s a good plan, but those of us who have tasted the luscious liquid love of Moka Chino know the strong hold she holds over our mind, body, and even our soul. We are convinced there is no one for us but Moka. The more caffeine, sugar, milk, and chocolate the better. Wisdom might suggest a pulling back, but wisdom doesn’t have much voice in the treacherous tribulations of Moka Madness.

Meanwhile, I’m stuck with Discipline Dave as my primary muse. He’s a real task master when it comes to publishing schedules. Publish three times a week on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday with no time off for good behavior. The only breaks he condones are for the bathroom, job, and occasional visits to nature. If we beg profusely, he authorizes brief lapses in the schedule for vacations.

I can’t wait for the return of the more relaxed Muse Brad. He is known to follow flights of fancy, chasing butterflies and dreams across the sky. But I’m worried about his health. Besides a serious bout of Moka Madness, he has been lusting for aimless travel, love affairs, unstructured play, and an end to all schedules with threats to give up writing and blogging for good. Thanks to his enduring followers who shower us with endless love and support, I keep urging MB to keep writing.

Who knows, maybe Muse Brad simply needs a roll in the hay, play dates, meals with friends, or a stiff drink. If those remedies don’t work, we might have to call in the big guns: Detective Dave and his partner Medusa Mary. They offer muse location, revitalization, and seance services. Dave finds their body while Mary tracks their spirit. If all goes well with their chants, cursing, spells, and invocations, MuseBrad happily rejoins the land of living and writing. If not, he could become one of the growing numbers of MIAM; missing in action muses. These muses are doomed to an eternity chasing listless writers around the ethers.

Please play for me and Muse Brad!  🙂

48 thoughts on “Moka Madness

  1. So funny, Brad. What a riot. I don’t even know which part to comment on… your world of muses expands into a whole parallel dimension. I’m so glad you’re having fun with this. 🙂 I hope Muse Brad is just taking an extended vacation – chilling at the pool, getting massages, and drinking top-shelf rum at the beach bar – and will be home soon, even if Moka has to come with him. 😀

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  2. I am glad that Muse Brad has returned basically unharmed. I would like share a rumor that Moka gets bored with muse worship after a day or two. But those who do fall prey to her smoking warmth and sweet smelling perfume are susceptible to her crueler more macho cousin Mock E. Otto. With his white hair and bitter personality he can be quite convincing that just a small amount of him is worth one and a half times more than Moka. I am afraid that if MB meets Mock, Moka could be quickly forgotten. And then what would be Brad’s plight? We won’t discuss the sleepy lackadaisical Somme Nex.

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