Dancing with Lua

Dancing with Lua


I met a girl named LuaLua, ceramics, poetry

she filled me with Kahlúa

then began to dance

I fell into a trance

this girl had super fine moves

with some serious grooves

she was the life of the party

a girl so gay and arty

Lua is the girl for me

I’m happy to be with thee


Sometimes a guy or girl just wants to have fun.  🙂 Thanks to Belén Soto for sharing another of her wonderful ceramic characters. This one is called Lua; Maid of Honor at the wedding of Sol and Drake.

25 thoughts on “Dancing with Lua

  1. Loved your little poem and Lua is quite a girl.. I have visited Belén Soto work you have show-cased before Brad.. And she is an amazing artist with so many wonderful creations.. Thank you again for sharing Lua.. I know she brought a huge smile to my face too 🙂 😀

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  2. I think I’ve forgotten this lovely post, sorry Brad, I’m so sorry, it’s turning out a very complicated summer ending for me …
    Lúa will never forgive me, she is very angry, I hope you can forgive me.
    An unexpected move has left me out of the game, I hate the changes … it’s like starting over again and I think I’m too old to restart.
    Thanks for being so nice with Lúa … and with me, we really appreciate it … she is very excited to appear on your blog, now I will talk to her to explain that her mom sometimes makes mistakes .. .
    Thank you so much dear Brad, and again, my apologies.

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  3. Reblogged this on Arcilla y fuego and commented:
    Lúa y yo somos dos chicas muy afortunadas, ambas tenemos un buen amigo, el está lejos … pero cerca, y sabe como llenar con sonrisas y alegria nuestras vidas cuando mas lo necesitamos. Gracias Brad, muchas gracias!!
    Lúa and I are two very lucky girls, both have a good friend, he is far … but close, and knows how to fill our lives with smiles and joy when we need them most. Thank you Brad, thank you very much !!

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