Mountain Melodies

Mountain Melodies

~mountains, poetry,

lush valley vistas

earth and sky harmonizing

mountain melodies


#NaPoWriMo day 27


I took this photo at Devil’s Den State Park, named for its cave system. This photo is from the top of Yellow Rock, one of the many limestone formations that surround the lush valley divided by Lee Creek. The creeks are running fast with all the rain we’ve had lately. I’m grateful for the rains, and to have such a beautiful park 30″ from town.

33 thoughts on “Mountain Melodies

  1. Beautiful, Brad. My city has broken rainfall records these past couple of months, and I am in awe of all the stunning shades of green around me. Also, I happen to be temporary living behind a huge park where I see ducks and turtles every day, in the midst of the most tall, beautiful, and lush trees.
    Thank you for sharing this beauty! Hugs, Aleya

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      • I am pretty busy with work and family but I never give up hope since my parents set a pretty happy standard to try and follow. I figure, “nothing ventured, nothing gained!”
        I also changed my direction a bit, although I really enjoyed the love stories I collected from friends and strangers. My byline is more what I use now: “Relationships reveal our hearts.” I hope we may stay friends and learn more of our personal journey through blogging. I am an amateur in most of what you are a professional in! 🙂

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      • Kudos on not giving up. Yes, all relationships reveal our hearts, beliefs, and skills and are a great arena for learning and practicing relationship skills. I’m happy to get to know you too. blessings, Brad

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