Angels Among Us

Angels Among Us

poetry, love, angels


be still my sweet child

listen to our quiet calls

we are here for you


watching, helping and

loving you every step

angels among us


This is a shout out to my WordPress family, especially those who are so supportive of others with your kind words, shared posts, friendship and genuine care. Thank you Belinda, Randall, Sue, Cynthia, Dave, Julie, Trini, Shauna, Lorrie, Stacy, Natalie, Annette, MichelleMarie and many more for making the journey a little easier and a lot more fun. 

Angels among us…

30 thoughts on “Angels Among Us

  1. Brad, just when I thought the well was dry for happy tears, more appear. You are an incredible being and it is my blessing to call you friend. Your support means the world to both Matthew and I, as well as all your other friends here. Huge hugs and smiles. Brad, my memory isn’t what it should be, therefore, I have no idea if I have ever re-blogged one of your posts or how you feel about that, so I am going to ask, may I?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My Dearest Brad, Belinda took the words straight from my mouth. Your beautiful poem perfectly reflects your own caring/supportive soul, and I am ever grateful for our multi-year connection here and on fb!!! Thank YOU for the sparkle, laughs, tears, positivity, deep thought, and love you’ve added to my little world!!! Big HUGS coming right back at you!!! 😘

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you!! 🙂 I didn’t get this in my reader! I’ll have to start getting your posts in my inbox now, I don’t trust the reader anymore. This is so sweet! Both the poem, the photo and the thought! 🙂 Thank you so much lovely Brad! 🙂 I think you are an angel to many as well, as we all are 🙂 You writing sure touches hearts 🙂 Hugs to you my friend! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Brad this is so beautiful! I am so happy that you have touched Belinda and Michael so profoundly as well! You have such a beautiful spirit. What cannot be placed into ones life is the authenticity you live by, Thank you for your big heart my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Brad!! This is so beautiful. …and I am truly honored by your sweet generosity 🙂 Thank you!!! I am so grateful for the compassionate souls, of which you are one, I have met here. We feel like an incredibly supportive family…and that is nice…really nice!! Much love to you my friend… ❤ ❤

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