Mystic Moon Beams

Mystic Moon BeamsMystic Moon Beams, poetry, love, light

moonbeams illuminate the night

piercing the veil

surrounding a closed heart


tides flowing to hidden spaces

passions awakening, synapses firing

cells awakening in secret codes


let this magic light

awaken the weary sojourner

shaking off the fearful dream


opening heart and soul

to beauty, wonder and love

on this harvest moon night


Thanks to my friend Kirk Lanier for his lovely photos that spark my imagination. May we soar on wings of beauty and wonder.


24 thoughts on “Mystic Moon Beams

    • Thanks Shauna. 🙂 I had a moment of inspiration and fun imagining secret codes and awakenings. I sure wish I knew how to live these states that I can visit in my imagination. XD Maybe I’m planting seeds. Thanks for your support. 🙂


  1. Beautiful words, Brad! I love the moon! ❤ I was just out last night trying once again to capture an image of its wonderfulness, it looked much like the picture you shared above, but alas, my camera just wouldn't do it justice.
    Hope your week is off to a good start, my friend. Many blessings…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Julie. I’m grateful for the inspiration. My cell phone couldn’t capture the image either! That’s why I used Kirk’s image. 🙂 My moment is blah, but I’m going to hold to this vision for living with beauty. 🙂 blessings for your week too!


  2. I love this poem, it’s very atmospheric with a feeling of mystery! I can see why that picture would be inspiring – it’s a wonderful image of a bright moonlit night. I love it when clouds sweep over the moon like that! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m delighted that you enjoyed the poem Suzy. Atmospheric perfectly describes what I was going for! 🙂 The views and feelings of the moon, soft light and clouds were inspiring. Thanks for sharing the ride!


    • I’m glad you want more! 🙂 Hopefully I’ll find the inspiration again. The feedback is wonderful and confusing to me. I felt that other poems came from a deeper, purer place for me. Yet, three of you expressed responses that this poem touched you more deeply. It’s a mystery. And I’m grateful that my writing means something to you and others. Thanks my dear. ❤


      • You know Brad…I think you should just go with whatever is in your heart. Everybody reacts differently ….because we are all different. I have also felt that way…some of the posts that I pondered whether I should even put them on were ones that seemed to mean the most to the readers…? If you follow your heart…and listen to you intuition I don’t think you can go wrong!! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks Balroop. I surrender! You’re the third voice for this poem. XD I’m grateful that it touched you and appreciate your perspective. I’ll do my best to tap the well and allow the tide to break free. 🙂 Thanks for your kind words and support.


  4. Thank you dear Himani. I’m having an ok summer, and remembering how to enjoy the simple pleasures like a full moon, butterflies and bees in the garden, etc. Thanks for caring and asking. My online connections are a big part of my support and circle of love. Thank you!


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