Heavenly Glow

Heavenly Glowemerald blue green, poetry, NaPoWriMo


shimmering blue green springs

clear as dragonfly wings

gently undulating waves

escaping distant caves


mystic waters lapping at my mind

hidden treasures we will find

heart whispers loosen the slurry

accumulated from endless hurry


time to take a chill pill

slow down and be still

breath in, breath out

quenching the rampant drought


from ego’s endless chatter

where reasons don’t matter

nothing is ever enough or right

committed to struggle and fight


breath in this beautiful dream

from nature’s healing stream

feel the heavenly glow

in nature’s blue green flow


13 thoughts on “Heavenly Glow

  1. Hi Brad,

    How apt!! This picture very vividly defines the poem…something seems to be obscure, struggling to peep out…the link between human spirit and Nature is providing a touch of yearning for serenity…isn’t it?


  2. Lovely perspective Balroop. Maybe that’s another poem for one of us to write. 🙂 The photo is from beautiful natural springs about an hour away in southern MO. And my photo inspired me to write this poem.


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