Journey to Joy


Thanks for stopping by my new blog space.  I’m happy to be here exploring this new world of communication.

My intention for this blog is to educate, inspire, and entertain. I plan to blog as a vehicle for creative outlet, sharing ideas, and testing spiritual principals. Ideally this will benefit both reader and writer. I’m willing to share my successes and failures online in the hopes that we can learn and grow together.

For much of my life I’ve bounced from emotional highs to lows, mostly dependent upon the changing circumstances in my life. Intellectually, I know that this isn’t the best way to live, but it’s been all too easy to keep going along passively. My frustration from riding this emotional roller coaster has created the desire for me to live more proactively.

Therefore, my goal is to become more consistently joyful and proactive in my life, using this blog as one of the tools. My plan is to spend the next year on this goal, testing various spiritual principals in 30 day projects.

My first project is to use the teaching of Abraham, by Ester and Jerry Hicks, as a tool in guiding my attitude and emotions.Their premise is that what we focus on expands, and by choosing better feeling thoughts, we align with our spiritual source.This alignment allows us to flow with life, rather than resisting and struggling as I often do. From this alignment, along with focus (desires), comes the power to consciously create our dreams and goals.

I will test these ideas by daily practicing the processes from the book “Ask And It Is Given”.  Then I will blog about my experiences once or twice a week. You, as witness, will be both student and teacher. I look forward to sharing with you.

Let’s start our journey.

Blessings, Brad

Your turn!