Anger Management

~ heat waves surging now aggressive feelings abound dangerous response ~ anger rose quickly bursting like a volcano pump up the volume ~ ~ This week’s poems are senryu, another Japanese poetry form. Both haiku and senryu typically use three lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables. Haiku is usually written about nature or seasons…

A Vortex of Power

A Vortex of Power ~ I’ve raved and shared about Mike Oblinski’s photography many times. He is a talented photographer who loves to photograph and chase storms. His latest storm video, called Vorticity 2, is beautiful, mesmerizing, and disturbing all mixed together for me. I could see it setting the mood for an action or…

change, poetry

Winds of Change

Winds of Change ~ mighty storms brewing change is blowing through the land need flexible ways  ~ Neither the storm nor the changes are as dramatic as the photo appears, but change is clearly coming. I’m looking for a new place to live, work that better suits me, and pondering my passions and purpose. That’s…

storms, poetry, Awesome Stories

Awesome Stories 374

This week Awesome Stories brings you possibilities, connections with nature, spiritual evolution. Anything is Possible Jen Bricker is an amazing young woman. She was born without legs and given up for adoption. Her adoptive family gave her endless love and support to do anything she wanted. Jen was fascinated by Dominique Moceanu and gymnastics so she…

Mike Oblinski photography

Southwest Storms

Southwest Storms ~ summoning great force winds surge over the desert time to find shelter ~ I was inspired by another great storm photo by Mike Oblinski. His photography is beautiful, and inspires me to get better equipment and take a storm chasing trip to see what I could capture. Or maybe I’ll just visit…

Monsoon, Mike Oblinski

Monsoon Madness

Monsoon Madness ~ pressure drops winds reverse rains pour lightening strikes valleys flood nature speaks man listens balance restored ~ Thanks for another inspiring storm photo from Mike Oblinski. I’m in awe of his photography and willingness to chase storms like this monsoon in the Chiricahua Mountains of SE Arizona. Sometimes we need a kick in…

Spring Storm, NaPoWriMo, poetry

Spring Storm

Spring Storm Spring storm Erie glowing Downpour, hurling, pelting Recharges the waters of life Flash flood ~ Image source: