Amaryllis Amore

I love their soft colors and silken petals.


my secret lover

silken petals unfolding

mild sweet aroma


velvet treasures loom

soft blossoms invite contact

sprouting in my heart


Early spring romance arrives.

I was given an amaryllis bulb this winter that I planted indoors to see what would happen. Thankfully, it has blossomed with soft white blossoms. This variety has a very subtle scent that is mildly sweet.

The subtle aroma invites me closer.

This first blossom of the year definitely makes me happy. Many of you know of my love for spring, gardens, and flowers. This early arrival will help me wait for her outdoor cousins to join the party.

To early bloomers!

60 thoughts on “Amaryllis Amore

  1. Beautiful Brad! 😍 I was also given and amaryllis, for Christmas, but I haven’t had the chance to plant it yet. I think mine is the red variety, but I love your white one! What a joy flowers are! 🥰

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Such a beautiful poem and blossom! Its early bloom seems to match that glint of hope that’s blossoming within you. Feels like it wanted to reflect a message of promise and mirror the heart of who you are Brad. To more blooms and hopes actualized!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I didn’t get an amaryllis bulb every year for my mom, Brad. With everything going on, I just forgot. I usually get the red one, but your white flower is gorgeous. It’s a lovely reminder too that spring is on its way. Next year, I’m going to get a white one. ❤ ❤

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  4. It’s gorgeous, Brad. 😍 we should have Daffodils and Tulips popping up here next month – that’s always my favourite time of the year! I don’t have a green thumb, so I only own a cactus, and his name is Frank. He’s an unruly little dude, but I love him. Have a great day! HNS 🌸

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  5. This is the perfect time of year for indoor flowers. Maybe I’ll get something new to compensate for taking down the Christmas tree. Thank you for sharing your keen vision of natural details.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Brad, a beautiful post in tribute to the amaryllis. Your poetry is tender and sparkling with your delight of the flower. How wonderful that it is blooming inside the house and yes, may the ones outside flower soon!

    The first sign of Spring for me is when the daffodils pop up to say hello – they are still shy and reckon a month to go!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. And what a precious romance! She is just lovely, Brad, as are your haikus. I was given some bulbs wrapped inside balls of soil & told to keep them in the fridge til time to plant. I need to ask if it’s time, and how to plant them! I still have so much to learn as a gardener! 🌞

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  8. I am savoring this blog post six months late…and it lifts my heart even though it is the height of summer! Your poem and images are luscious. I want to get a WHITE bulb next spring (with a gentle fragrance if I am lucky…) I am also wondering how you are doing after the huge rite of passage you and your brother recently experienced… Deep breath in. Deep breath out.

    Liked by 1 person

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