Musing for Moka


Musing for Moka 

missing muse, seance

Image by Vinicius Vieira on pexel.

Thanks to Diana for the nudge to go looking for my missing muse. She and her muse have a tortuous relationship, which apparently works well for both of them. Her mercenary muse is a foul smelling hunk with serious control issues. May your relationship be long and ornery! If you want to join the hunt for our missing muses, please visit Diana’s hilarious prompt called Meet the Muse

It’s been a while since I’ve seen or heard from Muse Brad. I think he’s mad at me. I’ve been a poor host; disciplining, judging and worst of all, ignoring him. But thank god I don’t have a taskmaster like Diana’s mercenary muse. I need a sweet sexy temptress to motivate me during this covid nightmare. I think our muses have gone missing to protect themselves from our crazy world. Last I heard, my muse was hanging around with Moka Chino- a sexy muse of ill repute. For background on our last muse party, please visit their misadventures below. 

Missing Muse 

Moka Madness

Moka Fever


MIAM (missing in action muses) November 2020


seance, muse, reunion

Image by Kamil Rybarski on pexel.

Cast of Characters:

MB: Muse Brad, main muse, master of mischief, mayhem and occasional creativity

DD: Discipline Dave, serious downer, master of discipline, schedules, and backaches

MC: Moka Chino, sexy temptress of muses around the world

DD: Detective Dan, slayer of truth and finder of lost muses

MM: Medusa Mary, mother of all muses, light on nurturing, heavy on manipulation

I know in my heart that Muse Brad is nearby, but hiding to protect his tender heart. Even offering a reunion with the sexy Moka Chino hasn’t lured him out of hiding. I decided to take the drastic step of hiring Detective Dan and his partner Medusa Mary for their Muse Location Services. They recommend the seance package, guaranteed to reconnect you with your missing muse or you get your depression back.


The scene starts with sonorous tones, flickering lights, and the odoriferous scents of musky essential oils……….

MM and DD. Calling Muse Brad. Your repentant host is missing your company and creativity. He wishes to speak with you. Would you care to grace us with your vast presence?

MB. What the heck dudes? Can’t you respect my desire to hide from the Covid Madness?

And hell no, I’m not coming back because you waive that temptress in my face. Moka Chino is hot and sexy, but I need serious help, not a flighty fling!

MC. Hey hotshot, who are you calling flighty? You’re the one who’s gone missing. I’m right here serving up caffeine and goodness like I always do. 

MM. Now kids, please behave. We’re gathered here in the name of peace, love, and creativity. What’s up with you Muse Brad? We miss you and are worried about you. 

MB. Yeah right. What you miss is my charm, creativity, prodigious writing, and ability to grow your blog. 

Brad. Well thanks for nothing. We’re doing fine without you anyway, posting every week and growing our blog. I’ll just keep working with the scabs.

MB. Who are you kidding? Have you looked at the stats? Your visits, likes, and comments are all down. Face it, without me, you’re nothing but a bunch of has-beens. 

MM. Clearly, we’ve caught you at a bad time. Would you like us to ring back at a better time? Maybe after a few shots of Moka, or post meltdown?

MB. Good luck with your posts. I predict a continued drop in reader engagement along with more missing muses. We’re not coming back until you improve our writing conditions with more food, sex, recliners, ice cream, and Moka Chino. 

DD. We’ll have to discuss this and get back to you. Tuning out now.

Keep on Musing! 

72 thoughts on “Musing for Moka

  1. MB is definitely being difficult, Brad, but your muse “dudes” did their best and the séance was creative! Perhaps Muse Brad will stop hiding out when there’s a vaccine widely available and the world does a happy dance. Hold him to it! I have your post lined up for tomorrow. Thanks for playing, my friend!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. This was so lovely and engaging 🙂 Wish you easy adventures with your muse soon!

    I had caught the covid vibe early end of 2019, and by mid 2020 I had decided I would disappear forever, yet something woke me up one morning and brought me back here. Now each week I only get silent and ask – is there anything that wants to be written and posted? I am so thrilled that yesterday an humble poem thawed out of me – it was simple but heartfelt. Otherwise mostly I am only showing up to see if something shows up 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Love the prompt by Diana and you follow it up well with your inspirational cast of characters, a perfect reflection of 2020 🙂 Good to see your creative side is as strong as ever, even if it needed a little coaxing out from your impressive group of muses. Wish you a fine start to the holiday season, Brad. Take care ~

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Nice to meet you, Brad. Your description of Diana’s muse made me both smile and cringe “…foul smelling hunk….” The seance package is a little creepy and intriguing. A fun, thought-provoking and relatable at times. Now, I am curious where you will go with this. Hang in there, Brad. 🙂 Erica

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Hola amigo, ah this was super-fun and creative! I thoroughly enjoyed meeting the muse-crew and can totally understand your muse´s reluctance to engage at times. Muses don´t want drills, muses want freedom and appearing whenever inspiration tells them too, hey? 🙂 My muse said so, anyways 😛 Thanks for this very cool read! Abrazos amigo 🤗 🤗 🤗

    Liked by 2 people

  6. This post is fabulous, Brad. I super love it! You just keep doing what you are doing. You are a lovely human and offer so much beauty and perspective to your readers. I am so happy to be a part of your journey. 🙂 I have wondered if I need a muse but after reading some of these muse posts I am worried mine would be a huge asshole! Ha! Keep on keeping on, Brad. You’re amazing. Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving. Big hug ‘n stuff.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Clearly your muse returned for short, very playful visit, Brad! Loved reading your post AND all the supportive and occasionally (a)musing comments. I also agree (as the on-again, off-again history of my blog posts will attest) with the value of fallow times on our creative path…

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi – you write so well and I like the way you described Diana’s muse.
    And your clever chart we list leading to this:

    “the drastic step of hiring Detective Dan and his partner Medusa Mary for their Muse Location Services.”

    Oh so fun.

    I did skip some of it because seances aren’t my thing and even though I am am sure you write it with humor – I skipped to the end and still took a lot away –
    Glad to meet you on Diana’s blog this week

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Brad, your muse seems to have made an appearance for you here and glad you’re feeling more creative again. I think many can relate to ‘I think our muses have gone missing to protect themselves from our crazy world.’

    A great response to Diana’s muse prompt … there’s none quite like hers!😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Annika. I had so much fun with this post and all the muse posts. It’s interesting that you just visited it now after I reviewed them yesterday wondering if I might pick up the muse thread again. Yes, Diana’s writing and muse are unique and special. 😃

      Liked by 1 person

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