Soul Spaces 118- Rebirthing Love

Soul Spaces 118- Rebirthing Love

love, earth, poetry

NewEarth painting by Barbara Franken


relax and breathe in the peace

feel the beauty, joy, and power

despite the sea of chaos

love still reigns supreme

now more than ever

we each must choose

will we spread love or fear

I choose love and harmony

seeding love wherever I go

blessing and nurturing all souls

especially those ranting in pain


I’ve been getting caught up in the pain, anger, and division of the world lately, especially on Facebook. Thankfully, fellow bloggers came to my rescue with the perfect messages in divine timing. Our WordPress community is a true gift, filled with goodness. The following bloggers helped to remind me of my path and purpose; to continue spreading love, kindness, beauty, and harmony. Fighting the darkness only spreads darkness. Please spread love and light.

From Barbara at My Magnificent Self, I received reminders to anchor in love. Her post on rebirthing helped me return to love with beautiful words, paintings, visions, and videos. The joyful image above comes from her divine connections to love.

From Miriam at Out an’ About, I received reminders to anchor in silence, nature, and harmony. “Let’s unite and raise our vibration. Love and gratitude will always triumph over fear. We will get through this.” ~ Miriam Baker.

From Diana at Myths in the Mirror, I received reminders of the beauty and kindness in our WordPress community. Time after time, my spirit is refreshed here on WordPress. There is an abundance of beauty, kindness, creativity, love, and support being shared on WordPress.

Thank you all.


59 thoughts on “Soul Spaces 118- Rebirthing Love

  1. Excellent poem, Brad and we are all there with you. I know this year listening to all the negativity and covid and people dying everyday in millions, it is very heartbreaking and here we all are requiring some kind of boost of positivity for us to carry on. Please do not worry dear we are all here for you. Please do share what you are feeling and someone out there is always there to help you. Stay safe and take care dear.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Oh man, it’s hard not to get caught up in the FB anger. I’ve lost a few friends on there this year, one’s that have been brothers to me in the past, just because they are so angry that I don’t like their chosen one. Them’s the breaks, though. Good reminders, Brad!

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  3. The same thing happened with me on Facebook. Then I finally deleted the app from my phone. I can still check it via computer, but I’ve found that I don’t care to go there. My close friends have my phone number, and I need extra positivity. ☮️

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Barbara’s painting is filled with such vibrant color, I get why it inspired you! 🙂Facebook can be so toxic, depending on who your friends are and where theyre at. And with everything that is going on in the world right now, many are struggling and getting sucked into the suck. That’s why I try now more than ever to be a source of love, light and joy to my family and friends there. If I come across posts that upset me, I just keep scrolling, and I have also unfollowed a few people. Thank you for choosing to spread seeds of love and harmony wherever you go – the world needs this more than ever. Love to you, my friend…❤

    Liked by 3 people

    • Kudos for being able to keep on scrolling/ rolling with life Julie. I need to relearn the art of only giving attention to what I want. So yes, I’ll do my best to keep spreading love and harmony. Thanks for being an example. Love and hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. What a sweet post and beautiful poem, Brad. I’m so happy to be connected to this whole blogging community. I know that when I’m drowning beneath the bad news and ridiculous and hurtful words and actions of others, I’ll find love and kindness in this amazing community. Keep spreading the love – it’s you. ❤ ❤

    Liked by 3 people

  6. a beautiful poem to compliment barbara’s equally beautiful painting! the message of hope emanates and the importance of how we choose making the difference, stands out from both expressions. love and warmest hugs as we seed the new together!

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Oh Brad, it’s times like these, the darkest of times when we can all come together and help each other through. That’s what so many of our WP family members do for us. As I said to you recently it’s easy to get sucked into the fear but I’m learning where to place my focus when that happens Thank you for this beautiful post and the mention. Let’s keep focusing on the light, the love and all of the support that’s out there. Together we’ll get through this. Big hugs. xx 🙏

    Liked by 4 people

  8. Brad,
    Great post. We can never have too much authentic acknowledgement of the contributions others make to our lives. Three bloggers that brought support to your days and a supportive blogging community are definitely worth celebrating. Thank you for sharing.
    LOVE is always the answer.

    Liked by 3 people

  9. A reflective and calming poem from you, Brad. Very thoughtfully written. You are so right in there is plenty of kindness and beauty in the community here – and we all encourage each other. Keep doing what you do.

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  10. Oh Brad such beautiful words you have written, rebirthing love❤️ So full of light, optimism that indeed transforms all darkness❤️ Thankyou for loving my soulart and sharing my blog with others🙏 so grateful! Everything and everywhere the dark is resurfacing… for transformation! Please don’t stop your sharing the truth! Facebook has many advantages too! I’ve also began MeWe too❤️
    I keep missing posts, emails and calls… I’m thinking I’m spending more and more time in my new earth paradigm😁💃🏼🌈🕺 Sending you love and much gratitude for your important work🥰 much love Barbara x

    Liked by 2 people

    • You’re most welcome Barbara. Your message was the perfect nudge for me to get back on track. I’m glad you’re hanging out in new earth. I’m still very distracted by old earth and concerned that so many people don’t see the games being played with the virus, vaccines, etc. I loved your post on corona. Thank you.

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      • So delighted that my nudge put you in a better place for you to open up to more of your own guidance. Who I’m sure takes you to new earth often!

        Thankyou for appreciating my musings and research on corona❤️🙏

        It is our presence and messages of support with each other here that gives us…Team Balance😃 the courage and support to dare follow our own call to blossom and expand our own consciousness… becoming one with all that is.

        It wasn’t until I truly understood that Earth is or was a school in which to experience everything with our free will… that I knew that everything is allowed. AND understanding this it is not for another to judge or pressure another. We can only live according to how we feel and inspire and support the ones who are naturally awakening❤️
        Thankyou Brad for being brave🥰

        Liked by 1 person

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