Walking in Wonder

Walking in Wonder

wonder, walking, poetry

Wall of Windows, Bryce Canyon NP by Sabrina Bradley


water painting time

layers of sandstone forming

ancient sentinels

protect the valley below

guardians over lost dreams


I’ve seen many beautiful photos of Bryce Canyon National Park, but this one from a friend really caught my attention. I love the amazing sandstone formations that look like sentinels watching over the valley. Their beauty reminds me to walk in wonder, appreciating the amazing world we live in.

May we nurture our spirits with wonder.

48 thoughts on “Walking in Wonder

  1. “Guardians over lost dreams” – you described it perfectly. Bryce will always hold a special place in my hear (especially when I thought we’d get caught in a blizzard when I was out there and I didn’t have much experience with snow 😂)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sounds like it’s time for a road trip. Hehe. All jokes aside, I love your poem and I love the calmness you imbibe in this post. Wishing you a wonderful weekend and I hope you had a chance to get out and play. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. an incredible photo and beautiful words both weaving together sacred memories. thank you for this reminder of bryce canyon’s ancient energies. about 3 years ago i had the sacred honor of walking through bryce for the first time. it was near the beginning of our 1 and 1/2 year rv living journey to explore the national parks and other beautiful places in between. we stayed at bryce for a week and literally explored every hike there. it was during the winter so we were many times the only ones on trails and to walk amidst these sentinels – the extraordinary hoodoos – was an awe inspiring experience. i love the words your inspiration chose – perfect to reflect the experience of these mystic sentinels.

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