Awesome Stories 330

This week Awesome Stories brings you dancing to freedom, tree communication, remarkable kids, and a legacy of reform.

Dancing to Freedom

This is a remarkable story of perseverance. Refugee Ahmad Joudeh uses dance to create messages of peace. He has persevered beyond what most of us can imagine. Dancing is taboo in his native country of Syria. He was beaten by his own father, locked in rooms, threatened, and ridiculed, and yet he persevered. After a reporter made a documentary about him, the Dutch National Balet reached out to him and helped him immigrate to join their dance company. Today he uses his freedom to share messages of peace, gratitude, and unity with his world-wide family.

Remarkable Kids

 As we try to shelter and protect them, we discover that kids are remarkably resilient and that the things that help us to cope are often the very things that make challenges more bearable.

remarkable kids, Awesome StoriesThis article gives me hope for the future. Shari Swanson highlights stories of kids who are changing the world. They saw a need and set out to solve it. The kids in this article didn’t let the known, setbacks, or limits keep them from working to help their fellow beings. Unlike adults, kids often bring a fresh perspective, full of hope, possibility, and wide open hearts. May we learn from these remarkable kids.

The Hidden Life of Trees

I’m fascinated by the idea of trees communicating with each other. In his book, The Hidden Life of Trees, forester Peter Wohlleben gives a stunning account of trees hidden behavior. Trees communicate with each other by sending signals through their root systems, but this article takes the story to a whole new level. Trees can sense changes in weather or a leaf being eaten and then send signals that warn other trees. The trees might emit a toxic gas to make their leaves less appealing. Or the beautiful way trees communicate, connect, and support neighboring trees and plants. Additionally, trees can live after death, supported by nutrients from the roots of other trees. Read this fascinating peek into the secret life of trees.

A Legacy of Reform

Anthony Chavez has a legacy of inspiration. Not only is he the grandson of César Chavez who formed the United Farm Workers and led the movement for farmer’s rights. But he spent years working with Brother David Steindl-Rast, a man I admire for his passion and wisdom. Bro David reminds us that wisdom begins with wonder and curiosity comes from caring. It seems the legacy of those two men has touched him deeply and grow deep roots. Anthony spends his time inspiring youth around the country, helping them understand that they too can make a difference. And it doesn’t require a perfect organization or political system, but rather persistent participation. Anthony believes it comes down to having a conversation with people.

I’m inspired by young people like Anthony and the kids in the other story. They give me hope for the future.


35 thoughts on “Awesome Stories 330

  1. We must be in sync again Brad, I just picked up a copy of the Hidden life of Trees from the library yesterday! I brought it with me to the salon this morning to read while my hair is processing. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wonderful stories, as usual. The first one really resonated: in my program this past year, I worked with many Arabic-speaking families and came to have such love for them. I’m really glad Ahmad persevered. Inspiration for us all to follow our dreams. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. All of these stories are so inspiring….not surprised about the ability of trees…I have always believed that there is an energy field created by trees that we can “feed off of” if you will….if you think of the peace you feel as a human when you are in a forest……another positive great blog!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. So loved that Dance for Peace video Brad.. Such an inspiring man is Ahmad, Despite his fathers attempts to stop him and the threats of those around him in his war torn homeland of Syria . What courage and strength he had to keep on dancing.. And so beautifully too..
    Wonderful story..
    And of course you knew I would love the trees. I did not have time tonight to follow up the link on Anthony .. But always your stories are Awesome.. and then some.. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hello Brad,
    Such a rich offering of stories.
    I really appreciate the links to The Daily Good. The article about trees, in particular the piece by Herman Hesse was beautiful.
    And the story about Anthony and his message is so hopeful but so simple.
    May it be heard the world over.
    Thank you Brad, and best wishes to you from me 💐✨✨


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