Birthday Love

Birthday Love

Tomorrow is my birthday. birthdays, relationships, love

Last year I celebrated my birthday with my mother, brother, and his family. This year, I’m working at one of my part-time jobs. And that’s OK. I’m rebuilding my finances and making choices to support that choice. Therefore, I’m living in integrity. Plus, more and more, I’m realizing the benefits of work, even when it’s not inspiring or particularly fulfilling. I’m grateful to have a job with income, coworkers, and an outlet for being productive. I’ve realized how stale and self-absorbed my life had become by not needing to work for years. I’m even seeing aspects of my journey into spiritual growth as limiting by being overly focused on me, my path, my growth, etc.

I’m realizing that I need people, relationships, and connection much more than I ever thought. Not having many models of loving relationship has made it a challenge to reach out instead of my natural impulse to isolate. I’m more comfortable to withdraw and isolate, even though it’s actually less fulfilling to do so.

So my leading edge is to practice love in relationships; to reach out to life with more love and compassion and less expectation and judgment.

May this be a year of more loving relationships. 

76 thoughts on “Birthday Love

  1. Happy (almost) Birthday Brad! Your self-reflection & insights encourages the same in your readers. Growth requires honesty from the bottom of Maslow’s Hierarchy to the top. May you continue to strive (and rest) as your fate meets your destiny. 🎈

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow! It’s like you wrote my story Brad….Right down to the birthday. Mine is memorial day(30th) and it’s funny, when I was young I used to think the parade was just for my birthday…Cruel reality when I found out no. Oh well….Life goes on. Happy Birthday and may you be successful in finding new friends. Not an easy thing to do for us who tend to isolate….Sending you good luck…. VK 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Happy Birthday Brad! 💐
    I do like your persepctive on the lessons from work … Belonging, relationships and contributing are so important to keep us tuned in to the word around us. 💛

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dear Brad.. Firstly wishing you a wonderful Happy Birthday!.. And many happy returns to you.
    And secondly thank you for sharing this about yourself..
    Its hard to reach out and share yourself, when often I know its much easier to withdraw within the sanctuary of your own BEing..
    I know in my bones that this year will unfold lots more wonderful sharing surprises to come your way.. This post in sharing your thoughts and intentions is a great step to gathering to you, your future goals..

    Much love and again I hope you have a wonderful Day despite having to work..
    Sue 🙂 🎂💜

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  5. Happy Birthday, Brad! I’m glad you’re finding an outlet to focus your productivity and foster loving relationships in the real world as well as here in the blogosphere. Please know that I look here for sources of inspiration and insight. I consider this one of those meaningful relationships that are impossible to manufacture, but essential to life.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I am late in reading this post….and so once again a belated Happy Birthday…. Everything you say makes so much sense. I think it was Einstein who said that we humans need love and work in our lives to be fulfilled, and I do believe that…and of course, community whether at work or home is part of loving. The language you use reminds me of my daughter Christie who is very involved in Landmark. Are you familiar with this ? I hope you enjoy a day and week ahead filled with peace and love…janet 🙂 x

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hello dear Brad,
    I feel so bad… you will think I’m not reading your posts but because you are someone I know who responds promptly to comments, I went searching!
    And as I feared, the comments under your recent few posts are missing! I’ve no idea where they went. It’s happened to me with some others too. Please don’t think I didn’t care…
    I’ll hope they are in spam perhaps?
    But in response to them all, I wish you a happy belated birthday and I know the connections made through here in this blogging platform will foster meaningful and real connections and even new friendships…
    I always enjoy your inspiring news roundup posts too.
    I do hope you find this message….
    Hugs from Di 🙋🏻💐

    Liked by 1 person

    • No worries Di. I found and appreciate all your loving comments and support. And I’m not as quick about responding lately with my jobs taking priority. Thanks for caring, keeping in touch, and the belated birthday wishes! Big hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh that’s good Brad… thank you for letting me know. I understand then… if I don’t hear from you it doesn’t mean my comments have gone to spam…
        You are very welcome, as I also value your support and always kind words. Hugs too, and wishing you a lovely week 🙋🏻😘🌟🌟

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi!
    Nice post! I’m making posts about scientific explanations behinde everyday appearance and other stuff so if you have time and will please go and check it out! If you like it pls follow me, I follow you.
    Thank you! 😀


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