Open to Love

Open to Lovelove, open, poetry

Love does not find you, nor do you find love. Love is ever present…When you are willing to open, to risk, to adventure, to live with authenticity, then the power of Love flows through you and creates light. ~ Julie Parker

Are you willing to open and allow love?


love is a whisper in the wind

the fragrance of a rose

the kiss of a loverroses, love, open

the joy of a baby


do nothing but open

open your eyes

open your mind

open your heart


love will flow freely

as sure as the sun shines

and the moon rises

open and allow love


Julie Parker’s beautiful reminder sounds like something from Rumi or Kahlil Gibran, or even me when I open to love. 🙂 I’m ready to allow more love in my life. How about you?

30 thoughts on “Open to Love

  1. This is a beautiful poem Brad – and hold sentiments that I intend to carry throughout 2017 (at least that is the goal!). “do nothing but open, open your eyes, open your mind, open your heart”

    My guess is that if one does this in every facet of life, then both our professional and personal side of life will bloom as your photos shows and perhaps most importantly become harmonious with each other. Cheers to a year ahead that offers opportunities, love and life like no other has before. 🙂 I am an optimist 🙂
    Take care!

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    • Thanks Randall. I appreciate you and your enthusiasm/ optimism. I intend to do better this year at keeping my focus and intentions for love, compassion, and openness. Kudos on your adventures. I look forward to hearing more. 🙂


      • If there is one thing I tend to have in abundance, it is optimism ~ helps to keep an open mind (and heart). Look forward to a year of inspiration for you and sharing stories. Cheers!

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  2. It’s sometimes so difficult, when you want something so badly, to force its existence in your life. There are times to be aggressive in the pursuit of your objectives and then there are times when it’s best to realize that what you need is all around you. Thank you for the beautiful reminder!

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