Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Homepoetry, home, garden

after endless search

stillness feels good to his heart

time to rest his soul


he realized home

was closer than imagined

right in his garden

29 thoughts on “Home Sweet Home

  1. There is an intangible element to human nature that allows us to almost sense the imperceptible way that roots stretch deeper into the ground, leaves reach farther toward the sky, and flowering blooms blossom in a show of gratitude and love. A garden is indeed a special place.

    At this very moment, no kidding, I looked outside to see our frangipani tree blooming in our backyard for the first time in two years. The brilliant pink blooms involuntarily bring a smile to my face and soul. I can almost smell the intoxicating scent from inside the house.

    The natural world speaks to us in very subtle and quiet whispers. And, if we silence the clutter within, we are able to receive that message on many different levels that we never even knew existed. Thanks Brad, I appreciate you taking the time to share your poem and your garden.

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