Mellow Meadows

Mellow Meadowsmeadows, dreams, poetry

dancing in the wind

meadow flowers are swaying

straight into my heart


meadow, flowers, poetry

I routinely pass this wonderful meadow, but stopped on my bike ride to enjoy it on Sunday. Surprisingly, the meadow sits at the intersection of a busy road and the interstate. Unfortunately, it has been sold with plans to build a mega-church on the property. We are fortunate to have many natural spaces, but too often the land is stripped to build new homes and offices when we have many buildings sitting vacant all over the area. I’d love to see more use of the current buildings, leaving the natural spaces for people and animals to enjoy!

28 thoughts on “Mellow Meadows

  1. It reminds me of that song my Joni Mitchell (?) …they paved paradise and put up a parking lot. Talking Heads have a great song about that too. You took me a musical journey this morning, thank you my friend. Enjoy your field this summer🌸

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Such lovely mellow meadows, Brad. Hope the new church leaves some of this beautiful natural landscape intact. I wonder sometimes… if maybe God would prefer His people worship Him outdoors amidst His amazing creation rather than inside a man-made building. That would be my kind of church! 🙂

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  3. Such a beautiful meadow Brad, and yes land near our home too we have seen over the years we have lived here has gone into real-estate for homes.. my husband and I call one such development toy-town as the homes are so packed in, 2 ft between them, and hardly no garden space, even their roads through the new estate are not wide enough for two large vehicles to pass.. It was set in a valley where we used to see foxes and horses would graze.. Its called progress as we concrete over everything..

    One good thing we do know though Brad. When the asphalt is left long enough Nature invades back 🙂

    Hope you are having a good week Brad.. I sure am.. Been weeding, Sunning, reading, Playing and Creating.. 🙂 And enjoying Summer.. xox Hugs your way
    Sue ❤

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