Splish Splash

Splish SplashKing's River, flowing, poetry

rain cascading down

rivers surging and flooding

lessons in flowing


Image from Dan Daniel kayaking the King’s River. I really want to get out kayaking while the waters are surging. Be safe and have fun!

28 thoughts on “Splish Splash

  1. Be aware, Brad! I have adopted that phrase instead of “be careful.” The later seems to invoke fear about the situation, as opposed to being in the moment with whatever you are doing! 🙂 Have a super wonderful day 🙂 ♡

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  2. That definitely sounds like doing something out of your comfort zone….yes, enjoy the flow Brad! And like Lorrie said, be aware. In my years of field producing an aviation series being around helicopters, small aircraft, trains, boats and more, we spoke hourly about “Situational awareness”. Stay present in the moment and have a blast!

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  3. Hi Brad,
    It’s exciting to think about, isn’t it? Sometimes that is enough to start the flow, isn’t it? To remember the pleasure and freedom that certain experiences have brought us, and thinking on them transports us into resourceful positions, feeling ready. I’ve got a few things on my mind today, no surprise; it’s time for me to find the resourcefulness that balances pleasure with work.
    Best regards, Ka

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  4. well that river is certainly ‘Flowing’… Glad you are not caught up within the floods and only in the splish-splashes .. 🙂 Wishing you a rain-free weekend if possible… The Sun is out here now, but its been raining hard all day..
    Love and Blessings your way Brad.. Take care..

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