Garden Delights

Garden DelightsGarden Delights, poetry


blossoms in springtime

vibrant colors exploding

aroma of joy



We’ve had an exceptionally wet month that has brought a surge of growth. To celebrate the explosion of colors, growth and aromas in my garden, I wrote my first Haiku. And here are some photos from my stroll through my happy garden. 🙂 BTW, my back yard only had 2 bushes in it 3 years ago when I bought the house, so I’m thrilled at the progress.

mystery mushroom

mysterious mushroom

Garden Delights, poetry

ladybug blessings

wild strawberries

wild strawberries


patio bed

my patio bed


veggie garden


Garden Delights, poetry

22 thoughts on “Garden Delights

  1. Yayy Brad!!! I’m so proud of you for diving in and writing your first haiku!!! I love LOVE LOVE IT!! And your garden is so pretty…I am not a gardener, but I adore a beautiful garden…and I recreate beautiful flowers in my art. Much love to you Brad…The first is the hardest…The rest will come easy!! Lorrie


  2. Thanks Cynthia. You support is much appreciated and yes, I’m enjoying the progress in my yard and gardens. Your garden and others that are much more developed inspire me. To gardens, haiku and sharing!


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