Eco Good News

This is my first post in a new series to highlight good news on the environmental front, locally and around the world.

 solar news, environmental good news

If you have any good news you’d like to share, please send it my way!

From here in Fayetteville, AR, I found the following in CleanTechnica’s newsletter.

 Researchers at the University of Arkansas have developed a solar energy storage system that stores the thermal energy (heat) absorbed by solar panels at a lower cost than conventional energy storage methods. The new method from the University of Arkansas researchers is a structured thermocline system in which there are parallel plates of concrete with steel pipes running through them. The steel pipes transfer heat absorbed by solar panels into the concrete, which stores it until it is needed to boil water and produce steam, or supply heat to other heat-powered generators.

Next up, I discovered an algae project from OriginOil.

Their new urban algae system generates energy while cleaning wastewater! OriginOil specializes in converting algae into fuel. They are developing a pilot test urban algae farm that would use wastewater to help grow algae, which is then used to generate energy, treating the wastewater in the process.
Read more.

Are you ready to drive a hemp car?

If Motive of Canada succeeds, you will be able to drive a cute, affordable, lightweight, hemp based body, electric vehicle. The first prototype is expected next year. The Kestrel car will weigh in at approximately 1,870 lbs., have a top speed of 84 mph and achieve 99.41 miles with a lithium-ion battery. For more, read here 

Test pilots recently announced plans for the first flight across the US using solar only, no fuel!

We seem to be on the verge of a renewed solar revolution. We had record PV installations in the US for 2012 per the quit coal website.

And finally, a beautiful movie trailer about  people using recycling to transform lives.

Go Green and please share the Good News, thanks!

6 thoughts on “Eco Good News

  1. Such a pleasure to read uplifting news! And if that movie trailer doesn’t renew everyone’s belief in human tenacity and spirit, I don’t know what will. Thanks for making me smile today!! xo


    • Thanks Shauna, Yes, that trailer was truly inspiring. I believe that if more of us talked about uplifting news, we would function at higher levels of care, joy, creativity, etc. Just like the studies on happiness shoingw happy people to be more productive, healthy, live longer and smile more 🙂 If you keep visiting so often, I’m going to have to create a frequent visitor awards program! Thanks, brad


  2. Hi Brad, You’ve listed some terrific eco news here. They all look interesting, especially the solar-powered airplane ride. Will check out the quit coal web site. Have long been horrified about the decapitation of our beautiful Appalachian Mountains. If we thought about long term impacts we wouldn’t do most the things we do to the environment. Thanks! G.


    • Thanks Giulietta, I appreciate you visiting my site. I’ve been a fan of yours for a while and took inspiration to call myself a muse from you. Yes, there is much to do to help shift people’s awareness and care so that we can live harmoniously on this precious planet. I grew up in VA and love the Appalachian Mountains. I believe it helps if more of us share good news, be it about the planet or anything else in our lives.
      blessings, brad


  3. I have been studying algae to fuel from sometime now. We are probably about five to ten years away for someone being able to figure out an inexpensive way to actually extract the oil from the algae. Once this happens it will be a new world.


    • Hi Wayne, Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. Algae is certainly intriguing if they can get the costs down for volume production. Are you following it for fun or possible business? I’ve been reading a bit myself. Happy Holidays! brad


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