Soul Spaces 117- Self-Care

Soul Spaces 117 – Self-Care Now more than ever we need to take exquisite care of ourselves. Please make sure you are nourishing your body, mind, and soul. Photography is one of the ways I anchor myself in joy, wonder, and connection. Here are some of my favorite tips for self-care.  Spend time feeling gratitude,…

spring flowers

Happy or Resilient?

Would you rather be resilient or happy? I have a friend who is researching resiliency as part of her Ph. D program. In a world with more changes and challenges, it seems important to develop resiliency for both individuals and communities. My garden and nature remind me to be more resilient. According to psychologist Peter…

taking action, priorities, attitude, appreciation

11 Ways to Get Back Up

I have fallen many times in my life, including this year as I practiced being more proactive. Just when I was getting my attitude on track, I’d have a challenge at work, lose money in my investments, or a relationship stress. We all have challenges. The key to success is learning how to get back…

pause and refresh

Pause and Refresh

Whenever we are feeling off, the best thing we can do is take care of ourselves. Usually we feel off because we’re  pushing too hard, resisting what is, or trying to force something to happen. Our task is to relax, allow life to be as it is, and align with our inner being to feel better. Here are a few of my favorite ways…